We must realise that Satan only, sole ambition is the following:

"I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14;14

And rightly so that he desires to be like his Creator; The Almighty  because our LORD  and Master Jesus Christ said no servant can be greater than his master. You will do greater works only because our Master Jesus Christ is within you.

The.Enemy of the Cross called the never the equal of The Almighty and He will never be, the Bible stated that he was created a covering Cherub: a servant of The Most High. So his ambition has always be to be as the Most High 

He asked our Jesus.Christ, the Son of God to worship him and Jesus Christ , the LORD made a profound statement: 'YOU are to worship ( obey, serve, honour, revere , adore ) only The Most High. 

Again illustrating that Satan desires only to be as The Most High 

Therefore just as the Body of Christ is set in denominations based on territories.and geographical locations. Satan has his denominations in form of the different sects and traditional religions peculiar to various territories and headed by different Human players who are front for the demonic personalities that are their backups.

Usually, the personalities of the demons who are the backup is always refelcted in the stipulations given to adherents of that sect.

A sexual ritual is usually the requirement of the demonic  monster from the sea. And worshippers of this monster are usually involved in a lot of sexual activities  perversions. 
Evil spirits don't die, the demonic personalities involve in an ient times and religions are still the active players in present religions.

A religious demons will have a lot of dos and don'ts and lots of human imposed self denial  etc.

A spirit of wickedness will. chracteristised the lifestyles of adherents who submit to it. These groups will be characterized by usually wickedness and callous behaviour against human, nature and even animals. 

All these sects serve the same Master Satan but are distributed into sects and denominations for effectiveness and  mass spread of their doctrines and beliefs.

I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.Rev. 2:9

You are raised as a Believer for a PARTICULAR PURPOSE and geographical location, find it and stuck to it. The anointing and authority you need to function  is waiting for you.

Unless you find it, you may a.mere man/ woman.

A.L. Hephzibah


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