

We believe God in Jesus Name that the good tidings proclaim by the Denomination you attend will be fulfilled in your family in 2022

We believe God that it will be a 2021 full of the wonders of Heaven and the year will trend with the compassion and unfailing love  of our heavenly Father  for His children.

We will forever be grateful to our LORD Jesus The CHRIST for bringing into our hearts the love of a caring Father;  who has made every provision for our redemption and for any who strayed from His love. You can return without fear of condemnation from God for He is Love and loves you still. 

But one sure way to enjoy the grace and favour of your heavenly Father and our Master Jesus Christ is to discover His purpose for your life.

The reason for the existence of any object, is paramount to its effective usiage. If you don't know the manufacturer's Intention for a product, you would have wasted.your time and resources  in buying it.

Even the  trees in the forest; each has its specific purpose and functions as showed in Judges 9.

You are created for a specific purpose. You were called into the service of the Kingdom for a specific reason.

Adam and Eve were created and empowered for the continuity of the Human race and to be efficient managers of the Earth.

Enoch was selected to be a prototype of a Man walking in unbroken fellowship with God and been rewarded with Rapture. It means that God used Enoch to show that men and women who will experience the rapture are those who belong to Him by a relationship through faith in Jesus Christ  fortified by obedience to His Word.
Other people existed in Enoch's time but only Enoch went to be with God without experiencing death.

Noah was raised to demonstrate that God will judge men and women who will not listen to His command by receiving Jesus Christ as LORD (which is represented by the Ark) And such should.also.live as Christ lived   Noah believed the promise of God and  was blameless, therefore he was saved.

Aaron was raised to demonstrate  there will be men and women ordained to help others in the ministry and purpose God has called them. 

There will always be Aarons.and the Joab who are leaders in their own right but are raised to serve the purpose of God under other leaders.

David and Joshua are prototype of the attitudes of two set of leaders toward protege sent to them. While King Saul desired and attempted to kill  David; the protege sent to His ministry, Moses and  Apostle Paul trained and released  to their destiny, the proteges of Joshua and Timothy sent to them.

Deborah, a prophet and the wife of Lappidoth,; Jael, the wife of Heber, Queen Esther, Miriam the prophetess and even Rahab the prostitute are vessels God  used to make the statement:

"when l want to achieve my purpose on earth, culture, trending mindsets cannot stop me."
I  will employ my Sovereignty when the son of men and the  Enemy tries to hinder my purpose. 

The maid of Naaman the Commander of the Syria army is God saying that " l wil use unconventional methods to reach the unsaved with the Gospel.of our LORD Jesus.Christ  in this end-time.

Saul the murderer becoming Apostle Paul is God is saying " Do not always pray for the death of those who persecute the Church or speak evil of you as a Man of God.

 This persecutor were like you before you received Jesus Christ and became a Saint and a Child of God. If l showed you mercy, then l will show them mercy too

Your background, your tribe, your education( If you surrender to the Lordship of Christ through the Holy Spirit at a earlier age) will be egineered to fit your purpose. You must discover it and stay put at it.

I can tell you from experience that many things will want to distract you from God's original purpose.for you. Even seemingly good things: Christian leaders, unfavourable circumstances, family, criticism and opinions of men. Many, many things will ask you the question of "
- Are you sure, you are on the right track?
- Are you sure you have not missed it.

When these questions arises, go inward to the Holy Spirit inside of you and keep on asking for His help.For God gave The Holy Spirit to the believer to help your sojourn on earth.

In the parable of the Trees in Judges 9: The other trees came to the Olive tree, fig tree and vine and asked them to become king over them.
You will notice that the original purpose of two of these trees had to do with honouring God and men.and has nothing to do with  leading other trees in the Plant Kingdom.

 These trees refused the promotion ( The King James version) coming from other trees to be king over them because it was a variation, diversion from their divine purpose.

Unless you know the LORD yourself by studying the Bible, many things will want to steal your purpose from you.

In 2021, it's all about The Christ and His Kingdom. God in time past has allowed men and women to use Kingdom reasons to build a name and dynasty for themselves. But in this New year, The Heaven and it's host will began to by- pass such men and women and began to focus on those who has made the Kingdom of God their primary concern.


Pls.write your name on the Sand in your environment., Then wipe off what you have written with your a foot or your hand. 

That is what will happen to men and women who proclaim Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOUR and gather resources in His Holy Name yet uses such for personal gratification and not for building the Kingdom.

They will live and may still be rich and wealthy but they will become irrelevant in Heaven and in God's program on the Earth.

A.L. Hephzibah.


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