We wrote previously  , that Satan is happy to be just as God, and he still uses the knowledge he learned from God as Lucifer to run his kingdom and his agenda. 

If you want to know how the Enemy operates, study how God operates from the Bible instead of watching t movies such as " Menle' a movie which is an exposition on witchcraft and Sorcery.  ( l watched this film to study how witchcraft operates but l became more afraid of witchcraft and its power because of it.) 

Therefore  if God told the Israelites that the daily sacrifice must continue, then there is a daily sacrifice been offered to Hell from the earth
This sacrifices pollute the Land, bring in more demonic forces from darkness and resist the love and help of God given to humanity through Jesus Christ, The Saviour.

It is only our LIGHT that can overcome darkness. It is only Christ Light that will shine in darkness and darkness cannot overcome it.
The Believer must Arise, the Church must be awake; for our Light has come and the glory of God is risen upon us.

The Bible is careful about words. I don't study Greek and Hebrew dictonary to know the original meaning of word interpreted in the Bible.
But l can testify that the Author of the Bible: The Holy Spirit can quicken the understanding of a reader to specific words in the Bible. 

One of such words is the Word that opens this Bible passage in Isaiah 60  

The Message version wrote the following of the same Bible passage 

"Get UP OUT OF BED, Jerusalem
WAKE UP, put your face to sunlight 

Another Bible passage shed smore light on the above Bible passage:

WAKE UP , WAKE UP, Jerusalem

You only tell a man who is sleeping to be awake. Unless you are sleeping, there is no need to WAKE UP.. But how can a Church that is supposedly doing so well need to wake up.

We  appreciate the Alimghty for the multiples coming into the Church. .We.are very grateful for the sacrificial work of the Men and Women of God in this generation.
The Church is popular, multiples are.saved, delivered, sanctified and empowered. 

 Yet, we must know that the Church has gone to sleep.and the Enemy is subtiliy saturating the Nation with enough human blood to provoke the wrath of God's Justice system.

God told Abraham in Genesis 1516
In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here, for THE SIN OF THE AMORITES HAS NOT YET REACHED ITS FULL measure.”  Genesis 15

The LORD told Moses, l will show mercy on whosoever l decided. The WORD OF GOD determines the scope of His operation on Earth but the Sovereignty of YAHWEH supercedes all other laws in the Universe.

Only God knows when the sin of a man, nation is full and judgement is allowed to have its full course.
But we certainly must pray for our dear Nation Nigeria.

Human blood is sprinkled daily all over the Land to unknown god's certainly not the God of our LORD Jesus Christ because Jesus has poured out His blood as a drinking offering to the Almighty, once and for all.

In the East, we have Children  birth factories where women are paid to get pregnant and give birth to babies, who are either sold.for illegal adoption or used for money rituals
We read in the daily News of mysterious dead bodies of especially ladies in that region.. This is rapad in the Eastern part of the country.and even in other parts of the nation. The daily sacrifice to hell continues.

Recently, I read of two men and lady entering an hotel in Abuja. Later the dead body of the lady was found in the room; the men had disappeared.

In the Western part.of the Country, money ritual and occultic practises even in some places call churches is the channel of daily sacrifice to hell.

In the North and middle belts;  it is the arms of terrorism that do the service of daily human sacrifice. The blood of the innocent is shed by the day and the blood of the sacred is shed by the night.

It is Zion that is ordained to deliver the Land.

The WORD of God says "saviours shall arise from the Church'
God ordained every believer in Christ as the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World.
It means that if the Church is asleep, then Darkness will cover the earth and deep/thick  darkness the people.

But the Church can only ARISE because of Light and the glory of God.

But can the glory come on Us, the Church of Jesus Christ; when we are divided. Jesus Christ said a House divided against itself shall not stand and that even if Satan is divided against itself, his kingdom will not stand.

Intially, the Enemy got us busy with some of us receiving  baptism of the spirit of criticism. These individuals started pointing out  the  faults of the Church  to its people and the world. 
They attempted to destroyed our faith in our leaders because of the flaws of some of these leaders. 

While we were busy with this and not "Watching and Praying". The Enemy brought on the scene "Virus 19" that was meant to cause a total collapse of the World and be a test run for how the Church can be muted and controlled permanently. This muting of our mouths is only a Test run for the real thing.

We need to wake up and stop our individualistic pursuit of My name, my ministry only and think and work together as a member of ONE Body. PFN and CAN is not the only solution.for Unity.

If we are baptised into the SAME WORD OF FAITH, ONE SPIRIT AND ONE LORD. Then our connection and unity should be invisible and spiritual. 

The abuse of the  spiritual ability to connect with other believers directly in their soul and spirit has not allowed leaders to use this means for the purpose of unity.
Instead they use it to steal dreams and revelations from on one another and to monitor believers' private lives. This ability is meant to be the Holy Spirit guides. Jeremiah 23

We must know that WE ARE ONE BODY! If the leg failed, then the body cannot function properly.

"Arise", the Spirit calls, "Awake", the Spirit crys out, put on strength by Light.

A.L. Hephzibah


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