
God making your rich is not His headache, He made you rich alteady. The words by which you were created as a man are Words of Earth
Be fruitful, multplie and replenish the earyh. It means the configuration of any man is wealth. The anormalcu is when a man is not fruitful and does not increse.
Then you know that something or someone has tampered with its natural DNA of wealth. I was speaking to a young man on phone recently. I told him " if Satan is inviting you to offer human scarifo es to become rich, then know that the Enemy already knows that wealth is in your DNA. He is only offering to you what is rightfully yours at his own terms.

He offered to make The Creator of all things and The Governor among the nation's our LORD  Jesus Christ, the King of the Earth and it's splendour of only He would now down and worship him. But Isaiah 9 already showed that ultimately the government of nations will be upon the shoulder of our LORD and SAVIOUR.

Fruitfulness, multiplication, increase is the natural DNA of every man and doubly the inheritance of every Christian
 Revelation 5:12 says Christ received wealth and riches and wisdom on your behalf as a Christian. Therefore you were born as a natural man with fruitfulness, multiplication and replenishing ( the ability to spread whatever you are on the Earth)  in your DNA and you received the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ who though He was rich became poor for your sake so that you can partake of His wealth  2 Cor. 9:8. Some may argue that Apostle Paul was writing about spiritual wealth but the topic of discussion is financial provision and not spiritual gifts 

So though The WORD of God says the poor shall not cease from the Earth because it is not everyone that will receive the light of God's WORD and provision. Moreso, Satan as the Bible called him is there to steal, kill and destroy. So the poor will certainly remain on Earth. But your name should not be in the list of the poor as a Believer. You may come into Christ or the Kingdom having little  spiritual, financial, social, mental,  physical, emotional strength ( I learnt about the various strength you can have listening to a preacher yesterday) but your sojourn the of faith , should make you stronger.
For the Bible says " Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits..

Wealth and riches should be your expectations at all times. We are not writing about about the crave for material possessions at the detriment of your soul. The Bible says the God gave the children of Israel their craving of meat in the wilderness and leaness of the soul was the reward for the satisfaction of this desire 
So if wealth, riches is in the DNA of every believer, why does the Church need more Wealthy Christian although it seem we sow more financial seed  and obey tg command of tithing.

The first fact l will introduce you to day is that more unbeliever obey the rules for financial  prosperity than some believers. Recently l read that the former wife of  the founder and CEO of Amazon said she gave 4 billion of her money to foundations to meet the needs of the less privileged.
I used to know an actress call Angela Jolie, l don't know if she is a believer in Christ or not. She is an American actress but has toured a few of the African nations as a 

 our Our Heavenly Father is the God of very high taste and excellence
 Lets examine where precious stones will be used on Earth.


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