
Revelations ( Rhema) is not as a result of the thinking or thoughts of a man. It is scriptural based spiritual  reality  usually birthed by the interaction of The Holy Spirit and the Human spirit of a believer.

Rhema is never birthed in the human mind and emotions. It has nothing to do with logical reasoning and most times it does not agree with the data of information received from the sensory organs. 

The main purpose of Revelation and even the entire Bible which contains the WORD of God is to change the thinking patterns of the Human mind and create an alignment with the Heavenly and The Kingdom thinking patterns. (Romans 12:1)

Usually, the Spirit will take you from the known to the unknown. Therefore ,you must have a level of Scriptural truths stored in your mind and heart to become an effective instrument to decipher the revelations given by the Holy Spirit in your inner man. 

The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Bible. The persons who wrote and complied the Scriptures worked under His supervision and anointing.

 Unlike a biography or autobiography, the Bible is not an edited work of art that is carefully composed to put a personality in good and favourable light  before it's reader.

Rather the Bible is the comprehensive Book of The Acts of God and the men and women who found Him, walked with Him and worked for Him. Therefore you must always read it in fellowship with its Author; the Holy Spirit.

A revelation from God will usually enter your mind as a grain of thought or various words from your spirit man.  It's a breath of thoughts, like a light bulb was switch on in your inner man. The Bible spoke in 1 Cor. 2:10-11:
"These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. THE SPIRIT SEARCHES ALL THINGS, EVEN THE DEEP THINGS OF GOD. 
For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 

Your spirit man  is the temple and seat of the Holy Spirit. Therefore any data of information from the Holy Spirit will usually originate from within you. 

For example, the word righteousness may come from your spirit to your mind. If you are a student of the Bible, the Holy Spirit will immediately bring to your memory; some Bible passages you have read. You are supposed to open these passages as the Spirit  lead you to truths concerning that word. At other times;  as you open the Bible passages you have in your spirit, you will divinely stumble or come across passages you have never read but that will teach you more about the topic.

It is the Holy Spirit the Author of the Bible that is  searching the deep truths of God and leading or guiding you to these truths in His Word.
We have heard instances in the Bible and in encounters.whereby people testify of hearing God's voice audiblely. But most people will hear God in their spirit  because that is where God dwells. 

A very important question to ask at this point is :
Is  the Holy Spirit responsible for every scriptural base thoughts that entered my mind?" 

The answer is No. Your mind also has in it storage scriptures stored over time and has the capacity to supply you with one when needed. 

The Holy Spirit and experience in the things of the spirit will teach you how to differentate what is from your spirit and what is from your mind. 

Moreso Satan can adequately inject scriptures into your thoughts if it will serve his purpose. He did that during the temptations of our LORD Jesus Christ in Matt. 4.5-6

"Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”

You may have a thought that goes this " Worshipping God is full of excitement'. Then the picture of the  Bible passage  where King David was dancing as the Ark was been moved  back to Jerusalem follows.this thought. You may also have the picture of a popular worship leader in your church  leading an intensive worship service ( with a lot of jumping and shouting) follow the thought " worshipping God is full of excitement'.
The above scenarios of receiving a revelation from God seem spiritual but an experienced  student in the School of The Spirit knows that a thought that  is been  followed by either  a Bible passage or by a scene in  day to day activities does not mean it is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

You must first decide the source of the thoughts. If you have some level of  experience of walking in the Spirit, you would have trained yourself to know when a thoughts is put in your mind by the Holy Spirit. 
The key is whenever you are in doubt and there is any slight unrest within you about a though or instruction: WAIT. Don't do anything. The Holy Spirit will always give you an opportunity to verify what is from Him. Even in the face of dire danger, He would have come with the information, you need before that need arises.

But we have known the Enemy to prompt you to carry out their instruction hastily before you had time to verify it. I had had to delete certain revelation l felt was from God and were not after pasting it. It takes a lifetime to know God, our heavenly Father and His ways. Don't be hard on yourself.

But you must also know that revelations can come wholly from your innerman whereby it is the Holy Spirit supplying every details of that revelations and it does not depend on your studying any  Bible passages etc.

This type of revelations flows from your innerman through your pen into writing. It had nothing to do with what you know or have known.

 In the process of receiving such, your mind maybe questioning it's authenticity because the limited knowledge in your mind does not tarry with what is flowing from your spirit.

At such times, you need absolute quietness and full concentration because you don't want to either hinder the flow of rhema  or quench the anointing that is responsible for the revelations.

The Bible spoke of this experience in I John 2:26-27
" I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. 

But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him. 

It was of such anointings that enabled Moses to write the first 5 books of the Bible; empowered Daniel, Isaiah, King David, Jeremiah, Apostle Paul and Apostle John to write about Heavenly and earthly future realities beyond the scope of their thinking and mind faculties.

I pray the LORD will show us mercy and find us worth for such privileged assignment.

A.L. Hephzibah


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