
The first and second question this inspired write-up will attempt to answer is: 
1. Does God created mankind to enjoy happiness?
2. Can a Believer live a life that is free of sorrow, can your marriage and family always be filled with happiness?
Human emotion is potent and one of the most powerful tool that affects the direction of a man's decision.  (Man is used as a genders inclusive term)  

Research reveals the male tends to make decisions based on logic while  female are geared to make decisions based on high and low feelings.

There are practical implications of the above statements. A female may make a decision to buy  a dress based on if there is excitment or sadness in her emotion.  She saw it, admired it and it's in her wardrobe, though it may be wore three times and never wore again.

On the other hand; a man will buy a piece of clothing based on  logic:
-do l need this clothing or not?
- What purpose will it serve in my collection.?
-Will this  sets of clothings earn the admiration of my friends?, 
These are some of the deciding factors for the man
He is buying the clothing with his logic while the lady make  purchases decision from the perspective of how she feels.

Whenever a lady is excited; she may ended buying more clothing than she needs but most men will rarely do this excerpt when on a spending  spree 

A woman would readily say ' l love you to her spouse and child when she is filled with high positive feelings and may rarely say; l love you when she is feeling sad and down in her emotions.

A male is expected to say 'l love you either he feels good or bad about it. If saying " I love you to a female will earn him higher points in her heart, he will readily say it. ( We speak from a pure Christian perspective  for we know that a lady may say " I love to a male to manipulate him and gain access to his pocket)

It shows that the man operates from the mind; the faculty of reasoning. 

 Rational thinking (or the capacity for it); the cognitive faculties, collectively, of conception, judgment, deduction and intuition.

A person's internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation, based on or tied to physical state and sensory data.
Reasoning is based on information of data in the mind and a decision of action is only reached when series of information is considered irrespective of the evidence presented by the sensory organs.

Emotions is based on information inpute into the mind through the seasoning organs of seeing, touching, hearing, feelings etc.

Unity is achieved in the home when the male and female combined their strengths and weaknesses. A wife must not continually nags at her husband for been emotionless and the husband should never rebuke the wife for her inability to think thoroughly on any issue.

Rather by the power of The Holy Spirit, the male must learn to express the emotions in His heart to his wife and the wife must learn to think thoroughly on any issue before making a decision or speaking.
Every marriage relationship needs the input of emotions and logic to survival but they need more especially the Voice of the Holy Spirit to strive as a couple.

A.L. Hephzibah


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