Our God is awesome
The God who reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, love and power
Our God is an awesome God.

This song is appropriate to describe the Father of our LORD Jesus and now our Everlasting Father for His benevolence, wisdom and mercies.

God is the only BEING, who gives all His blessings in Christ without any attachment but the condition of Believe in Jesus Christ and every spiritual blessings is yours.

 Men and women who worship Satan usually lose all they receive from him when they rebel  against him.
But Our God does not give and take back: The Word of God says ' God's gifts and calling is without repentance.  

When some angels fall away from the presence of God through rebellion and became fallen angels, they were not striped of their abilities.and powers. A fallen angel who could perform signs and wonders when in the service of God can still perform signs and wonders now in the Kingdom and service of Satan. A fallen angel who has the power to kill and make war while in the service of God, The Almighty can still do that now as a member of the Kingdom of darkness who serves the agenda of Satan.
God did not collect any ability from them when they left His service. 

We took time to take you from the known to the unknown because The Holy Spirit; the Teacher will sometimes take you from the known to the unknown. 

These fallen angels who are called demons, devils, unclean spirits were intially in the service of the Most High God as His holy angels, then they rebelled against the authority and Word of Go and became fallen angels.

Yet they left with all the abilities, gifts and power they had in the service of God. Now they use these gifts and abilities against God, their Creator and Master.

The above scene shows a major character of God, the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ: He does not give spiritual blessings to take it back.
The Word of God says " whatever God does is forever. It furthers says ' every good and perfect gift is from God above who never change.

He is the only ONLY who can bless and it can remain forever
 and when He blesses you, no one can successfully curse you excerpt it is a self induced curse. 

Man can promote you in a time of favour and demote you when you offend them. But God and our LORD Jesus Christ, are slow to anger and abounding in love and kindnesses.

Jesus Christ the great Physician healed and delivered many oppressed by the Devil and everyone of them remained healed and delivered.

Likewise, everyone healed and delivered by the Apostles and Disciples remained healed and delivered even the slave girl who was delivered from the evil spirit of fortune- telling.

There is no where that the Bible recorded that anybody who  was healed and delivered by Jesus Christ ;  The LORD forever lost their healing or deliverance. 

The woman with the issue of blood was completely delivered  and her blood stopped flowing and never returned. If it did, the Bible would have noted it. Though, the Bible never recorded that this woman followed Jesus Christ and became His disciple after she was healed yet her healing was permanent.

Mary Magdalene  was delivered of seven demons and the Bible never noted any case of  these demons  returning to her. Rather her love for Christ; her Rabboni- and LORD grew by each new day.

Ten lepers were cleansed by our LORD Jesus and only one returned to praise God for His healing. The Word of God noted that the One who offered thanksgiving was made whole but yet the same Bible did not say the remaining nine lepers lost their cleansing.

But our LORD Jesus Christ said in the Book of Luke when a demon is cast out of a man, he can return to that same person with seven stronger demons; does this not contradict the above?

Jesus Christ told the woman caught in adultery by the Pharisees to stopped sinning or something worse will happen to her, what is the implication of this statement in the light of the above?

Does it means when a man/woman is saved, they remain save forever,  no matter what they do?

Pastor Kenneth Hagin of blessed memory said and wrote that many who were healed by great healing Evangelists, lost their healings after a while, so what is the impact of this statement?

A.L. Hephzibah


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