Lessons on Healung

Healings is Children bread is the statement of our LORD Jesus Children. Disease and sickness are a thief of a man's strength and attempt to cut short the number of his days on Earth 

Therefore our benevolent and merciful Father went ahead to promise every Child of His; long life and sound health. In Psalm 91:16, The Father promised to satisfy you with long life; while Psalm 103 :4 shows the promise of God to heal all your diseases.

You must know has a believe that divine healing is not the perfect will of God for His children as good as divine healing is to us. 

Rather God's perfect will for your health is shown in Exodus 23:24
“If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.”Exodus 15:26

Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.  Exodus 23;17

Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, Psalm 103:4

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed. 1 Peter 2:24

3 John 2
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

The Bible says a testimony must be confirmed by two or three witnesses, a testimony is established. Divine health is God's original intention for every believer in Christ Jesus. 

Jesus Christ, our Eternal King and LORD is our perfect pattern and example in all things.  Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church called the Body of Christ and as a member of His Body, 6ou must receive your life and nourishment from Him.

Jesus Christ, The LORD was tired, hungry, prtsecutrd, insulted, called demon possessed but there is no record in the Bible whereby he was sick and needed healing ex erpt maybe He lay hands on Himself and healed Himself privately 

The good news is that there is no record of any of the disease been sick throughout the three years plus they were with The Great Physicians.
Peter's mother in law had fever and was healed by The LORD. Timothy have ailment often and took the equivalent of drugs in his times.

Generally speaking, the Disciples of Jesus The Christ enjoyed sound health as 3 John 2 promisrd the believer 

Exodus 15:26 shows that men and women without Christ in their heart and eternal life in their Spirit will have diseases and sicknesses. Disease and sickness are recorded in Deut 28 and Leviticus 26 as the consequences of living a life of disobedient to God and His Way.

Rebellion and disobedience will always open a believer up to the same consequenes  men/women without Christ suffers but the Bible says for the believer in Christ; Jesus bore ALL your infirmities.

In the Old Testament  God said and promised He will remove sickness from among you. 
God promised to remove sickness among His children by healing all their diseases ( Psalm 103) and not allowing the diseases that plagued the world to come near their tent.

But the Old Testament  is an imperfect  shadow of the perfection of God in the New Testament. 
After our LORD and SAVIOUR died for the sins of mankind and removed our sin and it's consequences far from us as shown in Pslam 103;9-11;  Finally God is able to remove removed sickness completely from His children by making Jesus Christ bore it on the Cross.

So Jesus Christ  bore sicknesses and diseases just as He bore sin. Just as the flesh was crucified on the Cross, the power of sickness and disease was also  destroyed.

1. Is it a sin to be sick as a Christian?
It is not a sin for a Christian to become sick and even have a disease in their body. Most of the renowned healing Evangelist used by God in the Kingdom were men and women healed and delivered from the bed of affliction and from terminal diseases.

In their bid and dsepearation for helping, they encountered Christ Jesus, the great Physician and The Holy Spirit anointed them to bring healing to others.

But you will be cheating yourself and receiving the grace of God in vain if you allow the sickness and disease that The Christ had bore to remain your life.

Ignorance is one of the greatest thief of every spiritual blessings that faith in Jesus Christ, The LORD brings to the Believer.  

The Word of God says ' On Mount Zion, there is deliverance and the House of Jacob shall possess his possession. But you cannot possess what you don't know exist.

Apostle John was offering prayers for the Believer and said : ' My desire for you as a believer is that
1. You enjoy divine Health
2. You possess sound mind
3. And your Soul should prosper as well.

Divine Health can be defined as a life whereby you are not afflicted and controlled by sickness and diseases. The best word that should be used is :A life free of sickness and diseases.

It means if you are exposed to mosquitoes bite and the consequence should be malaria fever. The eternal life of God inside of you through the Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit will quench and destroy the poison and potency of bite so that it has no effect on your body.

The malaria parasite released into your blood streams is destroyed by the blood of Jesus Christ that has entered your blood through Communion in Church.

It means if you are exposed to a situation that should result in an accident with adverse body harm. The angels of God who encamps around you will ensure that they bear you up in their hands so that either the accident does not take place or no bodily harm will come to you.  

The power of God's angelic protection was validated and emphasized by Satan himself during the temptation of Jesus Christ, The LORD.

"The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here. 

For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” 

Jesus answered, “It is said: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Luke 4:10-12.


Faith in the Word of God is the activator of God's power. If you know about divine health and don't  believe in it rather your persistent thoughts are " it's impossible to live free of diseases and sicknesses". Then what you believe will be what you say over and over again and it will be what you experience.

Therefore walking in divine health starts with your knowing the truth for The Word of God says: You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you.
  You must saturate your mind and hearts with God's word on divine health. The era of your pastor reading your Bible for you and prophesying it into your life is fading away. 

King David said " your word l have hidden in my heart that l may not sin against you. 

King Solomon said " my son pay attention to my Word, incline your ear to my saying; FOR THEY ARE LIFE to those who find them AND HEALTH TO ALL THEIR FLESH.

Every believer must learn to read the Bible, understand it and appropriate it into our lives. We will forever be grateful for the fivefold ministries and their impact in our lives but we must also grow in the faith; wax stronger in the spirit and operate under a great grace.

When you have sickness/disease in your body and you don't have the word of healing in your heart, then check yourself under a Doctor in an Hospital and begin treatment immediately.

While the treatment from the doctor is on-going, begin to study the Word of God on healing and health. King David said ' your word have l stored in my heart that l might not sIn against you. The weapon David used to battle against sin is the Word of God stored in his heart.

It means even David, who was a man who loved God, would have sinned against God  if he had not stored the word of God in His heart.

The Word of God in your heart is the Sword of the Spirit. When you don't have God's word stored in your heart concerning any issue ( e.g finance, health, relationships, prosperity) your spiritual sword will not be sharp on that issue. You will be vulnerable to Satan's attack and have incapacitated the Holy Spirit from helpi g you in that area.

When the Enemy cme to fight against our Lord Jesus Christ during His temptation, the weapon used by The Christ is " It is written". The Word of God noted that the Holy Spirit led Christ to the wilderness where He was tempted. This means the Spirit was with Him.

Jesus had stored the words He needed for His victory in His heart before the day of battle. The Word tell us of you. Your strength is in The Word of God.

You believe with your mouth but make confession with your mouth into salvation. You must learn to confess your spiritual blessings in Christ daily to continually live in them. You will never possess what you don't believe and don't confess.

Sometimes, the Enemy will send the symptoms of. disease to you so that you would confess that you have by do doing giving the Wicked one the right to introduce the sickness into your body.





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