We establish in our previous article that demons are originally fallen angels who rebelled against God's order and were cast into Abyss as punishnmnet for their rebellion.

Apostle Peter said in  2. Peter's 2:4-6

"For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;"

The original place reserved for these fallen angel is a place called Abyss and they are kept there for judgement. This truth is further emphasised by the story of the mad man of Gerasenes when he encountered Jesus Christ.

"They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torture me!” For Jesus had commanded the impure spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places. Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him. And they begged Jesus repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss. A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into the pigs, and he gave them permission. When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned" Luke 8:26-34

If he'll is the natural habitation ordained by God for these demons, how did they find themselves on earth and then live inside man.?

This question can be answered through the life of King Saul in the Old Testament. The Word of God showed that when prophet Samuel anointed Saul as King over Israel, the Spirit of God came on him and he prophesied as one of the prophets. The people thought he had become a priphet. Prophesying does not make you a prophet ; a prophet occupies an office and is a Spokesman for God.

"The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you."
1 Samuel 10:6

But another account showed that another force and an evil spirit came on King Saul  that needed the intervention of a worship  minister in the person of David to save the King from the torment from this evil spirit. 

The Bible says ' the Spirit of God departed from King Saul and an evil spirit took over. We knew it was an evil spirit because the Bible said so and the demon manifested a characteristic that does not consonant with the nature of the Holy Spirit. 2 Sam. 16:14-18

A man who is under the control and influence of the Holy Spirit will not seek to harm, kill and destroy another believer  even in the face of provocation. It is the ministry of Satan to steal, kill and destroy. 
When a Child of God  has the habit of killing those who offends them, let's not deceive ourselves, they are helping Satan to carry out his agenda on Earth.

Our LORD Jesus Christ died and resurrected that men and women who believe Him will have eternal life.

The second witness of this occurrence is in the Garden of Eden where Satan was first mentioned . He disgusted as the serpent in the Garden to deceive Adam and Eve.
They rebelled against God by disobeying His command. 

Therefore the Bible says they died. The kind of death is identified as a spiritual death which is separation from God.


In the Old Testament, the Children of and the seeds of Abraham were connected to God through the covenant God entered with their father; Abraham. Abraham paid the price for that covenant to be initiated by obeying God and his deeds and descendant enjoyed the benefit of that covenant.

But in the New Testament, the Saints become one with God through the Holy Spirit in their inner man. Adam became a living soul like God when the breath of God entered Him. He could hear God in His spirit.

Before the fall, there was no place that the Bible says that Adam heard God as God walked in the Garden yet God was communicating with Him. 

But after Adam and Eve listened to Satan and ate the forbidden fruit, they could no longer hear God inside of them because they lost the Holy Spirit. Then,  their relationship with God became external; they heard God walking -meaning that there is no longer a direct connection between them and God.

Even our LORD Jesus demonstrated this truth by the process of His birth. He was begotten of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was inside Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit birthed the spirit man of Jesus Christ while Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ supplied the flesh which covered the spirit of The LORD and gave Him the legal right to walk and work on earth.

Jesus Christ, our LORD could hear the Father in His inner man because The Spirit of the Father was inside of Him. The Christ could boldly say ' l am in the Father and the Father is in me. 

And also confidently said " I can of myself do nothing rather l move as l see the Father move. Jesus lived a life that waited on God, the Father for everything.

While the Holy spirit begotten the spirit of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit also anointed Him for the ministry. During the LORD' s Baptism, it was the Holy spirit who came on Him as the Spirit of power also called the anointing ( Isaiah 11) and Jesus Christ could do all He did through the Spirit within and without.

Jesus Christ minstered to and fellowship with God, the Father by the Spirit within and then minister to men and women  by the Spirit without.

it was this Spirit that Adam and Eve lost that disconnected them from God and now they could only hear God physically. God was within them; they received Him when God breathed the Spirit into them just as The Saviour breathed on the disciples in John 20 to receive the Holy Spirit after His resurrection.

So when the Bible says that the Spirit of God upon Saul departed and an evil spirit came upon him, the Bible revealed a truth worth knowing by a believer.

The evil spirit could not come upon King Saul as long as the Holy Spirit was upon King Saul. The devil could only come on the king and manifest through him when God had rejected him as King and the Spirit had departed.

Ephesians 1 says that The Holy Spirit is a seal on every child of God that we belong to God. It means once the Spirit departed from a life, the life no longer belong to God for a seal symbolises ownership 

Satan hovered around Judas Iscariot for a long time yet could not enter Into Him. He was influenced to steal from the purse of the Church. He started stealing small amountof money and soon became greed for more that he was willing to sell the Christ for more money.

But it was until Jesus Christ exposed Judas sins to some of the other disciples that Satan could enter into Judas. When God allows a man's iniquity to be hidden from others, it is His way of showing mercy and giving the man time to repent. Because at that stage, Heaven is fully satisfied that Judas was not ready to repent and had made up his mind and heart to deny Christ completely.

When you make the choice to deny Christ, then Satan has the sole right to you and his demons can make your life their dwelling place.
Satan had access to Adam and Eve because they denied God by going against His command to obey Satan.

An evil spirit replaced the Holy Spirit in the life of  Saul because he had disobeyed God several times to the point that God rejected him as king only then could an evil spirit come on Saul.

These examples show that no demon or evil spirit has the right to enter anyone who belongs to God and has the seal on the Holy Spirit on them.
When we receive Jesus.Christ as LORD and SAVIOUR, the Holy Spirit is given to you as a guarantee that you are God's and will ultimately reign with Him.

And if you belong to God through the blood of Jesus Christ, it means you don't belong to Satan and Satan has no right to you. If Satan has no right to you, then his demons should not have access to you..

The Bible spoke of an account of a man having sex with his step- mother. Apostle Paul had to consciously and verbally release such to Satan to destroy  his body so that his spirit can be saved. It means if Paul had not released the offender to Satan, Satan would not have had access to such.


Ignorance, pure ignorance, absolute ignorance. Just as the Enemy  and Nature can afflict you with diseases because of ignorance and carelessness,.likewise demons will enter into you because of the same ignorance.

The writer was oppressed by demons and cast out demons from her life for many years because of a wrong mindset. She believed that demons has access to believers because of their past lifestyle and ancestry heritage. 

Is it true that demons have access to a man/woman because of their sinful life style and evil ancestry heritage ? 
Yes, for God said He will visit the inquities of the father on their children to the 4th generation but  replace this order by saying it is the soul. who sins that.shall suffer for their sins. Ezekiel 18

In Christ Jesus our LORD, everything has been made; Apostle Paul said any soul in Christ is a New creature, old things have past away and all things have become New.

But Apostle Paul suffers for his past sin against the Church by  severe persecutions?

It was not only Apostle Paul that was severally persecuted because of his faith in our LORD Jesus Christ. Apostle Peter was almost killed, James and Stephen was killed and they were not persecutors of the Church of Jesus Christ as Paul.

Moreso, our LORD told Apostle Paul what he would have to suffer for the sake of the Gospel, because he knew the Jewish people and how they will want to kill Paul for forsaking Judahism. Moreso, the LORD knew Satan would make life unbearable for Paul for making any attempt to take the Gospel to the Gentiles.

What does our LORD Jesus meant when he said when a demon is cast out, he would come back to his former house.


The answer is also in the passage. The passage was about the Pharisees accusing The LORD of casting out demons by the prince of demons called Beelzebub.
They cast out demons from children of hell and darkness by this Lord of demons  and believed everyone do the same.

It is obvious that other demons obey Beelzebub and do his bidding anytime he commands them. The Bible did not stated if Beezebub is also Satan but we know that Beezebul had the authority to cast out demons out of the lives of men who belong to Satan.

So the Pharisees accused Our LORD and Master of using the assistance of Beelzebub to cast out devils from people.

Secondly, our LORD Jesus Christ made a very profound statement : The demons cast out said he would return to His "HOUSE". It means that the person in which the demon is cast out in this passage is a House for demons ; a child of the devil  just as a Believer is a House/temple of the Holy Spirit. 
The demon in the passage identified the person in this Bible as his House.

"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out."
Luke 11:24-27

This statement is made by our LORD and is the truth. I Cor. 6 shows that every believer is the House of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit dwells inside the Believer. The Spirit has a right to dwell inside such because they have yielded their Heary to Jesus and the Holy Spirit is the seal of God's ownership on them.

Therefore this demon cast out identify the place where he was cast out as his house, his home. Demons do not have right to even operate in the Earth, the place prepared for them to be kept in chains for judgement is Abyss.

If they are on earth operating is because a man authorised them to operate on Earth just as Adam and Eve authorised Satan; who became their master through deception  to operate on Earth.

 Satan told our LORD Jesus Christ that the earth and its glory belong to him because it was given to him. 

God gave the earth to Adam.and his seed, so for Satan to lay claim to it, a man with flesh and blood handed it over to him.. Therefore if a demon claim a man's life, soul and body as his house and home then he had the right to that house.

This is why it will take a stronger force than that demon to cast it out in the first instance as illustrated by our LORD when he said a strongman will guard his house and possession jealously until a stronger man dispossess him of it.

This show that the demon was cast out of a place, a house which belong to him either through ignorance or by reason of ownership through sin.

Then after it was cast off, the place ws slept clean. It means that every works of the demon was destroyed, all filthness and uncleness left with the demon but there was no new owner occupying that house. It was empty meaning no new owner inside, no stronger force inside, nothing to keep the demon out.

So the demons goes and bring seven stronger demons than himself and no force resisted.his entrance so the state of the person became worse than the previous state.

A.L. Hephzibah


Let's give examples. An unbeliever or a Believer who continue to sins after Salavation attended a crusade or believers conference and was exposed to the Word of Faith.and the about us ING of the Holy spirit. This particular spiritual meeting, there was a string anointing to set the captives free.

The Man of God knew his authority and commanded every demons oppressing participants to leave them and he did not command that they should never return.

So these participants were free.from demonic oppression
 The unbeliever had demons cast out of him without receiving Jesus Christ  into.his heart and receiving the power of the Spirit.

He leaves the meeting emptied of all demons and their evil works in his life. The life of this man changes for a while, he is happy and disease free because the demon responsble for the disease had been cast out and the sickness healed by the anointing.

This unbeliever is not equipped with the knowledge of our LORD Jesus Christ and his authority over demons and disease. He does not how how demons operates and what to do.

So this demon after a while looks for other victim to enter into because he can't keep roaming on earth exverpt he had an.assigmnet from Satan or under the authority of a man who instructs him to roam the earth
 He will have to return to chaiins in abyss  

This was de.onsyrated when our LORD Jesus cast out the region of demons from the mad of Gadarene. The demons begged the LORD to allow them stay in the territory. They preferred to enter into the swines that to be cast out of the territory.

Therefore the demon returns to his former house and found it empty and  his former tenant not able to  resist him. The Word of deliverance and resistance absent in this former house; The Holy  Spirit is not there to lift up a stardarf against the returning Spirits.The house is empty and clean and had no new occupant 

So this spirit goes to bring new stronger spirit that himself so that it will be very difficult to cast it again.

A sinning ignorant believer on the other hand was delivered at the  same meeting and returned home  singing halleluyah Jesus has deliver me. 

 After a while, this Believer returned to the former way of life of compromise because no teaching was given to equip him or her on how to live a victorious life in Christ.

So the demon return with the diseases cast out  and there is no word of Life or it is written to keep the demon and the disease out 

Our LORD Jesus Christ though God would have become possessed or come under the control of Satan if He had  worship Satan.

Jesus Christ was already anointed by God to win the soul of men. He was already anointed to heal the sick and set the captives free. If he had to worship Satan, all these authorities! power over nature and man ;  the various anointings would have been used to populate the Kingdom of darkness (whose leader is Satan ) and fight against God's agenda in Earth 

Henceforth  what God  gave to man to use to help their fellow men will be used under the control of Satan to fight against man and the purpose of God.

A.L. Hephzibah


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