
Men and women are  Creation of  words but also creations of attraction: we are easily drawn by what we see. The sensory organs play vital roles in what attracts you to a member of the opposite sex.

 We are easily moved by what we see; excerpt for the cases of arranged marriage, a man is usually attracted to a woman for some of these reasons; what he saw and heard about her.
The man may be attracted because of what he heard about the lady from friends and relatives. 
He may be attracted to her because of what he heard about her exceptional beauty, mannerism, diligence, wealth, excellent human relations,  and even the fear of God.
Usually, the law of attraction mostly have to do with physical beauty and appearances. And the woman can be attracted to a man for the above reasons too. He saw her and loved the way she looks and that is enough basis for marriage.

But we see an increasing number of Christian men and women becoming attracted to the opposite sex because of the anointing and spiritual gifts.
 The work of the ministry has become popular and very appealing because of the prosperity, honour and fame attached to it. And a lot of young people will be drawn to a man who has the potential for a successful and rich ministry.

But we have some young people who have trained themselves to walk in the Holy Spirit and follow His leading in all things including marriage. 
God will always guide those who sincerely ask for His guidance.There are still men and women who will release their feelings to began to love a man or woman that the Father gives a leading that such will be the right marriage partner.

The emphasis here today is: You are drawn to a member of the opposite sex for a particular reason and mostly these reasons are informed by the ideas you have stored in your mind over time.

This information may come from your parents' s marraige, friends marital history; what you read and saw. All these are stored in your mind and become stronghold of thoughts  in your mind. I remember as a young lady;  l told myself never to marry any  indigene of Ondo State. I heard an account of one of my aunties who wad married to a man from  Ondo town and was treated poorly..  It means l had reprogrammed my mind and that in turn controls my feelings. Even if a leading comes from my spirit to marry an Ondo man, my mind will protest against such leading because of the erected stronghold in my thoughts.

But The God of all mercies, delivered me from this ignorant  mindset.. I was posted to Ondo State for my NYSC and sincerely enjoy the State and love its people. 

Mindset is very powerful and you must always identify how it affects your vision in life. Many are held bound by wrong mindset.

So if the source the attraction of a man to you is the way you dress but after marriage you stopped dressing that way, it may affect the way he feels about you.  

He will remain married because of the marriage vow of life commitment but he may have lost all excitement about you. A man may have to either  develop a stronger attraction after marraige through the discovery of other favourable  attributes or  he may become disappointed and feel cheated. Because what you were exhibiting  before marraige that prompted the attraction stopped after the wedding register had  been signed.

 I read a story of a man who filed for divorce after the wedding night. 
He cited deception and falsehood as his reason for divorce. He said his wife deceived him by her  heavy make up  before marriage
He said, he discovered that the make up and other beauty accessories were a cover up and  she is not as beautiful and attractive as the make up presented to him.

I read somewhere that the wife of Kenneth Hagin Jr will always put on beauty make-up before she comes to the breakfast table.  I don't know her reason for doing this but  l am an advocate of doing whatever you got to do to remain attractive to your spouse. May the LORD help us especially the writer of this article.

So.when you stop doing what was responsible for the initial attraction, it may affect the flows of feelings in the home. 

Revelation 2 says if we want to retain our first love then we must go back to doing those things we did at first.

A L. Hephzibah


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