
Sometimes in life we prefer the false comfort excuses give and play the blame game. Like the man at the pool of Bethsaida we proclaim " I remain crippled because there is no man to help me'

Why are you not rich? 

My parents were not rich
I come from a poor background
The Nigeria economy is bad
Nobody to help me
God is trying my faith
God has not answered my prayers

Truly, all these indices are real and may be genuine but remember there are many who are subjected to all the above conditions and they break through and became men and women of renowned.

Why are you not happy?

A demon of sorrow is attacking me
My friends forsook me
My boss is a difficult person.

Making excuses is one of the major causes of failure. As long as you shift the blame for your mystery, failure, short- coming to others, you will not see clearly  and take responsibility for your success in life.

You must determine the following to change that circle of limitations and stagnancy in your destiny and get answers to the following:

Where have I gone wrong?

What am l  supposed to do that l did not do?

Why do l keep on experiencing the  you  same challenges year after year.?

When do l stop playing the blame game and take responsibility for my decisions and actions?

How do l achieve my God's ordained glorious destiny?

Unless you answer these questions critically by the help of the Holy Spirit, you may remain in the same spot indefinitely.

Excuses is a killer. It makes you tolerant failure and your short -comings. It gives you false hope and comfort.

Sometimes God helps you by allowing circumstances that shake you out of your comfort zone and makes you see that you have fall into the trap of mediocrity and hope that does not culminate in faith. 

Faith will always take you from a position  that you don't desire, align your expectations with the Word and God and bring you to a safe haven.

Living in Hope Island  alone keeps you wishing that things will change and the future will be better but not taking steps of risk and faith to make that future better and happen within your planned time.

I was speaking to one of my dear sisters in Christ about why l am not married though of marriageable age.

I told her, God is not at fault. I am responsible for every decision and I am where l am now because of my actions and decisions. If l want a positive change, then l must make better decisions and take faith actions that align with the Word of God.

God was faithful in sending me suitors of different shapes and sizes and still does presently. If l have not said yes to any of the proposals- it's my decision and l should blame no man or God for either my poor or good decision.

I AM.WHERE I AM PRESENTLY AS A RESULT  OF MY DECISIONS. if l want to change position, then l should make better decisions.

1. You must be sincere with yourself for your desired change to come. Don't blame God and don't blame men.

2. Your neighbour may not be friendly but you are to blame if your reactions to your neighbour"s hostility is unfriendly. Chose your responses and reactions carefully.

3. The produce of the earth is for all, even kings are made rich by it. Kings are not special species of human. Know what they know and you will reign in life as they do.

A.L. Hephzibah
Victory is my name
Exceptional Success Now, Always, Forever in Jesus name.


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