
It is pathetic and a bit soorowful that the richest person in silver, gold, cash and kinds is not a Believer in our LORD Jesus Christ according to Forbes's record.

Forbes records may be right because though we have rich Christians we have very few committed Christians who are involved in producing products that are used in every nations of the World. 

While we have products and brands like Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Facebook, Gucci, Tom-fighter, Apple etc that are  used in nations of the earth, we don't have any records that these brand are owned by tongue speaking Believers.

The question is : If God the Almighty is the Source of all wealths, why are believers not among the richest and most influential persons in the World.

We know that it is possible for Believer to become that influential  in the World because God used men and women in Bible and past history to demonstrate this possibility. 

Job was the wealthiest and most influential man in The East.
"so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the East. " Job 1:3

Noah was the last man standing in His generation; he had the key to the whole  Universe. Everything was wiped off that did not agreed to Noah's message and they could do nothing to stop God's inversion of their privacy and private lives.

Egypt was the reigning world power in Moses generation. Yet when God decided to rescue the descendants of His friend and servant Abraham from this grasp of this power: Nothing could stop God from showing forth his might and power.

He is the Only BEING who can promise and nothing will stop him. The Enemy can make a vow and God's Word of " who can say and make happen if the LORD has not spoken' will stop Satan.

But our Father in Heaven and in the hearts of Christians is unstoppable.

He planted Joseph in Egypt as a slave boy and began to train him in the cultural and ways of the Egyptians. Though Joseph was in Egypt, he did not incubate the ways of the Egyptians and did not serve their idols.

Though Joseph was in Egypt, He lived by the principles of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He did not allowed his position as the Head of Potiphar household changed his thoughts towards the God of  his Father and at the appointed God used him to deliver His people called Israel.

It has always been about God and His people. Joseph's brand was the leading brand. Joseph was the CEO of the largest conglomerate in Egypt who was the producer of the food that sustained the World. 

If Joseph's company had  stopped food production, the World in that generation would have been destroyed and God's people totally exterminated because  of famine.

Joshua in his generation was in charge of the Army with the Best and strongest military might and strategy. Israel's army did not have the best military weapon yet they won every battle  waged against other nations and became the leading nation in that generation.

Whenever the Church and the people.of God are not the Best mountain in any generation, the Christians in that generation have failed to attain their full potential and possibilities in God through His Son ; Jesus Christ. 

Samson was the strongest Man who ever lived in His generation. The weapon of war used by Samson was his physical strength.  

The nation who was against God's people suffered the wrath of Samson until he was captured and died.

Daniel and his three friends were in charge of intelligence industry in Babylon, the most powerful Nation with the reigning powers in the World at that generation.

They were subjected to intense training in the School of world intelligence and yet did not lived or developed thinking patterns like the World. 

Daniel and His friends inverted their own training mantra that was different from the training methods of other youths that had no covenant with Yahweh.
Daniel operated by the Wisdom of Heaven and did not defied himself by the food served on the King's table.

Daniel and three friends will have been youths enlisted in the training program of 'The Thinking Tank Commission' for The USA/ Russsia  intelligence Agency yet they did not operated by the corruption and wickedness that may be apparent in this agency. 

Rather they trained and operated strictly by The Word of Jesus Christ.
At the end of the training, they emerged the best youths in terms of intelligence and behavioural pattern.

Therefore, Daniel became the most Senior aide to the President of America and Russia on Nation building  and intelligence.

All the above are the various possibilities for Believers all over the World but experience and records shows that very few Christians have attained lofty positions in recent times.

The ready pertinent question we must ask is Why?


A.L. Hephzibah


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