The wedding day Magic


Wedding day magic is beautiful, it's a day, a guy who usually favours the logical part of his brain allows himself to walk on cloud blue and imagine paradise on earth.

If such is truly in love with the lady of his choice, then am l glued to their actions throughout the ceremony. For the couple have their eyes on each other throughout the ceremony.
They are in the midst of the crowd but can't wait to be together alone. But if groom and bride are just together to get married, then it just a ceremony and no magic is felt.

For me, we can afford to spend any amount of money just to preserve this sweetness of a man and a woman coming together to walk together for a life time. ( There is enough evil and wickedness in the world, so special moments like the wedding day magic must be preserved).

But on a serious note, I am not an advocate for extravagant wedding ceremonies that leave the couple bleeding financially after the wedding night and even if the cash is available, l still advocate for a quiet, intimate wedding.

The culture of quiet, intimate inexpensive wedding ceremonies is one that  l hope to establish in my life time. 

I have handled hundreds of wedding Decorations and l have seen couples in debts after the D- DAY.

Although, l will not stop my in-laws from planning a big wedding if the money is coming from their pocket. But l will certainly not spent my hard earned cash for a 6 hours event on which l will still get dividends even if such  huge amount is not spent.

Below are my reasons
1. Truly, the Bible says ' Rejoice with those who rejoice" but we should not rejoice at the expense of unnecessary debt and financial stress after the wedding.

2. Almost everything done for the engagement and wedding reception is for others.
# The food with big budget 
# The drinks running to hundred of thousands or even millions depending on guest list.
# some musical band charge millions just to play music, you can hear on your CD players.

I know culture places a demand on intending couples but this culture started from somewhere and can be stopped or its effect minimised.

What is my argument.? Do not do beyond what you can afford for your wedding ceremony. Ladies, help your guys by persuading your parents to work within your financial provision for the ceremony especially if the money is not coming from them.

Sincerely if the World attends your wedding and you feed them, given two months after the ceremony, everyone will forget what you did.

But if you are a rich folk, whose daughter wedding is sponsored by gifts from friends and colleagues, please go ahead and have fun. "Nothing spoil" 

Prince Harry and actress Meghan got married and only about 200guests at their wedding reception. They could afford more but they strategically decided less is better (whatever their reasons)

Do not allow trends and culture put unnecessary financial burden on you 

Sincerely, your wedding day will still be beautiful, picture and video perfect if you have only 100 guests. 

The fun is what you do at the reception that makes people laugh, that makes the married feel in love again, that makes the unmarried want to make the right choice, and makes couples who are married but separated in the heart want to try to make their marriage work.

That is the wedding day magic.
I pray your wedding day produces that magic.

A. L. Hephzibah


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