The souL of all men belong to God as the scriptures stated. He is the God of all spirits. It was when God sent His spirit that all men and women are created when he withdraw his spirit they return to dust where rhey were created.

It is the spirit given by God that give men and women the nature of God. It is this exchange that was done when a man receive Jesus Christ as KoRD and saviour, they receive a new spirit from God as Ezekiel 36 revelas and then the Hily Spieit returns to their innerman also call the spirit.

It is not the old spirit in the unregenerate man that is renewed rather the regenerated man receive new spirit thrweofer the Bible says any man in Christ is a New Creature; the old has gone and everything has become new.

This was what happened during the conception of our LORD Jesus , the Holy Spirit came on Mary and the power of God created a new Spirit for Jesus. It was only a body that was prepared for Jesus Christ, the Saviour, the spirit came from God 

It is because the spirit of all men belong to God that is why God has the sole right to probe the thoughts if men and examine their hearts. Moreso, the conscience and mind if men is a recording device that records all actions, thoughts and decisions of men. These devices belongs to God because they came from God and because God is the righteous judge he has the right to access these devices in man 

But even God will never never force a man to do his will. He may use signs and wonders make them willing to come his way but he only does that after they have violated universal laws that instigate his intervention and judgement.

Like a covenant with a friend ensured that he return to Egypt after 400 years and that was because 400 years was four generations needed for the cup of sins of the Analekites, Egypt and cannanites to be full. 

When God's friend Abraham was in the land of Canaan, even though God like bed to give the land if Canaan to the Abraham, he could not because their sin was not full. ( Gen. 15). God had to wait for 400 years for their cup of inquiry to overflow before he could fulfill His promise to Abraham His friend.

No man has the right to access the spirit of another man, access the thoughts if another man without God. It is a violation of their human rights as a universal being 

Even the secular world recognises these ancient principle therefore we have various privacy laws in different nations of the World.

No anointed Christian, Pastor,  Teacher, Evengelist, Prophets, Apostles has the right to know and monitor the 24 hours if their any flock in their sheep fold under the disgusie if spiritual gifts.

Such people go as far as calling forth a man spirit and soul and giving instructions to it which violates the will of such 

The person whose soul and spirit was violated believed that such inputted thoughts and instructions is either from the Holy Spirit and or their own thoughts. And they sheepishly carried out this thoughts.

The art and act of contacting a believer's soul and spirit directly and not through the Holy Spirit who is the Universal Connector between God, the Christ and every Christian is witchcraft and rebellion.

It is rebellion because those who pertrate these wicked acts against their fellow men will eventually cut off their victims from fellowship with the Holy Spirit and corrupt the victims ability to hear God.

And because they act is a violation of scriptures, they will open up themselves and their victims to familiar spirits who will continue to lead and guide their victims even after the pastor's has no need to directly access the thoughts and intentions of their victims.

Most pastors ars comfortable with this methods of getting information from others and getting them to do their bidding because it saves them the time of using their faith to wait on the Holy Spirit to access His mind concerning certain issues 

The Bible stated in Romans 22 and 2 Cor 12 about spiritual gifts that it is the Holy Spirit that distributes the gifts as He desires although there can be diverse of operations.

Truly, the gifts and calling of God is without repw tance and God will not interfere with any servants of His who decides to use his gifts without the leading of God, their Master.

But the Bible says we should look up to Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith. Jesus Christ our LORD has the right to know everything about the disciples: how they eat in their homes, sleep in their homes, have sex with their spouse but He never used it.

Rather He said, l cannot do anything of myself but l only make judgement based on what the Father revealed to me.

Let's examine the case of King Saul, a leader in Israel to demonstrate the above.. 1 Samuel 28:1-20

'When Saul saw the Philistine army, he was afraid; terror filled his heart. He inquired of the LORD, but the LORD did not answer him by dreams or Urim or prophets. Saul then said to his attendants, “Find me a woman who is a medium, so I may go and inquire of her......
Saul said to her " talk to a spirit for me. Bring up the person l name"....
The woman said 'whom do you want me to bring up
He answered ' Bring up Samuel'
When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. Isaiah 8:19


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