
Mama Tena was in the Kitchen making dinner for the family. She shut the kitchen door leading to the Living room space   to prevent the smoke from her hot palm oil  on the cooking stove from filling the apartment.

She was engrossed entirely in her cooking until the cry of her (,4) ,years old son awake her consciousness to the smell of smoke coming from  'everywhere'. She looked closely in the kitchen and observed nothing was burning.

She assumed the smoke was.from outside her apparent but decided  to check on her crying son in the bedroom. She put her right hand to the door handle and jumped back from the shock of pain.

Immediately, she realised that the 'fire on the mountain' was actual  in the apartment. inImmediately, she dragged the big nnapkin off the wall rack and opened  the door to a Living room engulfed by  fire and covered in smoke.

The dominant thought in her mind is 'Tena, my son is sleeping in my bed in the room. The master bedroom door is situated across, on the opposite side of the Living room. She will have to walk across the room to get to the door. 

Hurrily, she ran back into the kitchen and took off her clothing; dumped them under running water in the sink as she poured Morning fresh dish detergent on them . She put on the jeans trouser and held the wet blouse as a shield against the fire.

She wage through the flames and smoke as her smoked filled eyes hurt.
" My Tena" she began to weep.
" My baby", she cried, sobbed with heavy heart; her tears mixed with smoke while the fire scorched her exposed skin. 

Suddenly, she found herself at a door, and quickly made an attempt to touch it's handle ;  when she recollected the experience at the kitchen door..  Quickly, she grasp the door handle with the wet blouse and fell into the room landing  bodily on a burning object  on the floor. Sharp excruciating pain swept through her all body,  as she screamed. 

She pushed away from the burning object and tried to pamper her tore so with the wet material, then she remembered her mission when she heard  Tena"s continued crying.  

Quickly, she found her way to her son  at the edge of the bed guided by crying.  The wooden frame of the mahogany bed had began to burn but miraculously the  mattress foam of the bed was not burning; which was a miracle . 

But all she could think of at the moment was Tena in a burning house, the miracle did not register in her thoughts.

She took her son off the bed with the heavy blanket and walked through the smoke to the toilet.  She kept her son on one hand and dip the blanket into a bucket full of water at the tiled bathing space,  Then she wrapped Tena with the wet blanket by several folds of the material. As she attempted to leave the bathroom, her sight fell on n a big scissors on a wall shelf. 
She took the scissors and with her son returned to the bedroom. By now the foam was burning at the edge and the fire had spread.  

Through the fire and oven hot room, she angrily thrust at the net at window will th the scissors  until she created a space big enough to take her son.

 She took him and quickly dropped him through the window into the night on the sandy floor of the compound of their house . She remembered the miracle of the mattress that was not burning initially  and believed, the same God will protect her baby from all hurt.. 

This is the story of the love of a mother.:
Her thoughts are always filled with safety for  her family
Her desire is to make her husband love her more
She thinks and sacrifice to  make her children become their best in Life
Mothers are Life giver
They don't produce the seed
But they create the beautiful Eden to birth, nurture and sustain the seed
If the Seed will die or live
Mothers, are the determinant
Joseph knew about the conception of The Saviour
It was Mary who ensured the "Seed" became The Redeemer of the world

Yet the Bible asked a question
"Can a mother forget her suckling baby?
God, The Omniscient says
Yes, as sacrificiall as a mother is
They can forget their babies
My mother left me with my father when l was only 3 years
So a mother can forget her suckling child
But from everlasting to everlasting
God will always care for YOU
For He promised in His Word

"Listen to me, you descendants of Jacob, all the remnant of the people of Israel, you whom I have upheld since your birth, and have carried since you were born."
" Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.'

 God, the everlasting Father says 
Your name is inscribed in the palm of my hands
Your frame is always before me; day and night

God  made all things bright and beautiful for your enjoyment
He is a High Priest that is easily hurt and touched by your pains
If it was.left to Him alone
He will never allow you experience pain or sorrow
His word rightly says
His blessings are without soorrow

But you dwell in an imperfect world with imperfect people
Humanity has a common Enemy who wants only to kill, steal and destroy
Therefore pain, sorrow and hardship is inevitable

You are the Apple of His eye

"For the LORD’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance. In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. 

He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye," Deut. 32:8

You are God's treasured Gem
Whosoever touches you
Touches the Apple of God's eye
Ànd they will not go unpunished
For God will always love you

He keeps you as the apple of His eye; He hides you in the shadow of His wings from the wicked who are out to destroy you, from your mortal enemies who surrounds you.

God, The Everlasting Father
Loves you with an Everlasting Love

A.L. Hephzibah


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