God entered a covenant with Abraham that He will delivere his descendants from a foreign land land after they have been enslave for 400 years.  (Genesis 15:13)

But the people of Israel who were the seeds of Abraham, God:s friend spent 430 years in Egypt, the foreign land of their enslavement because they did not show any desire for freedom 

Although they were oppressed and maltreated, God remembered His covenant with Abraham when they cried our to Him for help 

"During that long period, the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them." Exodus 2:23, Numbers 20:15-16

God told Abraham, his descendants we uld spend 400 years in a foreign land but they ended up spends Ng 430 years ( Exodus 12:41) because heaven only stood up to help them when they cried out and groan because of their oppression 

We can t ghtly conclude that if they had not cried out in pain and agony, God would have done nothing although there is a call venant that guaranteed God's intervention.

The Deliverer that God ordained to deliver Israel from oppression when born at the time the descendants of Abraham had spent 350 years in Egypt. When Israel had spent 390 in Egypt; Moses came out and attempt to deliver an Israelites man from oppression by an Eyptian man. The next day, the same Moses came out to try to settle a dispute between two Israel.

It means long before the 400 years God told Abraham he will deliver His descendants from Egypt God was ready with the Man that He would use to deliver Israel but the Israelites were not ready because they still enjoyed the oppression from the Eyptians because of the onion, lettuces and other ready food make available with the oppression from the Enemy.

Therefore Moses, the deliverer was sent to the Miriam's priest to serve this proves until 430 years when the poepl of Israel cried out to heaven and then, only then did God remembered His covennat with Abraham and took the step to deliver them. ( Read this in Acts 7:23-32).

The above assertion is proved by similar event in Jer. 25:10-12  and Dan. 9:2-4. God gave the prophecy of Israel's captivity for 70 years  because of their sin. On the other hand, Daniel understood this prophecy by bioks and began to pray when the ( 70)  was over. 

It was the prayer of Daniel for help that caused the so to stir up the hearts of Nehemiah, Ezra and just Ng Cprus. ( Isaiah 45). Though God promises, someone ha to rise and remember God of His promise when the times was ripe 

We are attempting to establish only a be truth by the above two events " GOD WILL NEVER VIOLATE THE WILL OF A MAN_.

In the Garden of Eden, an event occurred that proved this point beyond measure.  God gave the Earth and it's fullest to Adam and Eve. It was their responsibility to manage it and keep it safe. 

But event unfolded and we saw Sayn in form of a serpent came to them and told lies about God to make them disobey God. 

The first man and woman made a choice to disobey God and believe the Enemy.
Was God aware that the Devil was in the Garden of Eden to deceive this couple.and if yes, why did God not show up and drive Satan away.

God created Man and Woman in His image and likeness. They were not created as Zombies rather they ha the power of choice and God will not violate that power of their choice .

God has given every man.and woman the power of choice, you have the right to choose what you will do and become. If God respect the will of man, God expects every other man to respect the will of others.

If you use the instruments of your spirit, knowledge and spiritual power to make other do your bidding and carry out your instructions, you are violating the principle of God and have opened the victim to the activities of demons and you yourself has opened yourself to the activities of seducing spirits.

God gave man dominion over the fishes of the sea, the birds of the air and anything that walks in the earth, he never told man to exercise dominion over another man.

Even God told man " if you are willing and obedient, Your willingness is needed 

God too makes us willing and able to do His good pleasure. He does not force his pleasure on us, he only made us willing and able to do his pleasure.


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