
There is a Healing and Deliverance revival sprouting up in various parts of the Nation; Nigeria presently . The LORD has remembered His people again and He is pouring out the power of the Holy Ghost for miraculous healings. 

The Nigeria Church had this healing revival but the prosperity and Church attendance boom Revival overshadowed the The Healing Ministry.

Now, the Healing River is here again for as many who will plunge into it and administer healings to the people out of compassion and not just for fame and money.

 The Church will  experience more of these healings as we make demands of the Healing virtues in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ : The Lamb of Ransome who purchased healing for us by His blood.

But as exciting and beautiful as The Healing ministry is, we must ensure that we are adequately prepared to curtail its weaknesses.

Just as the prosperity revival enjoyed by the Church came with its weaknesses of materialism and a  reduced hunger for God, the Healing ministry can also bred a group of worshippers who do not sought for God or  the Word of God rather  are only interested in their problems been solved.

We must ensure that we use the opportunity of this Healing Revival to get men/women/children saved and  at the same time; teach them about the Kingdom.

Thus we can raise a.generation of Kingdom addict who love The LORD and His Ways.

Many will come to churches seeking for healing and deliverance, we must ensure they became Disciples of Christ after receiving their healings.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is a Message of hope, joy, peace, prosperity, health and it's likes but that is not all that is to the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ.

The Saviour died and resurrected to purchase for God; a Kingdom of Priests and Kings. 
Jeremiah 9: 23-24 summarises it.

"This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: THAT THEY HAVE THE UNDERSTANDING TO KNOW ME, THAT I AM THE LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.

If you have wisdom, power, riches, healing and health and do not know that Jesus Christ is the radiance and exact representation of The Father and that every believer is ordained to have the fullest of Christ in their lives. Then  the blessings of prosperity and healings you received has failed to achieve its purpose.

'Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent." Matt. 11:20

Mary Magdalene was delivered of (7) demons to what end?. 
She sat at the feet of Jesus Christ and learned of Him after her deliverance.  She became a disciple who loved Jesus passionately to His death and resurrection.

Mary Magdalene learnt how to pour her expensive oil of alabaster  on The Christ theteby preparing Him for His ultimate ministry to Mankind.

She learnt had to ardently seek the LORD to the point of been the First Woman and human to see The Christ after His resurrection. That sure is a very great achievement..

She imprinted into the memory of The God-Head that though Eve led humanity into error by her over curiosity, Mary, the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene sought God to the extreme of their desires and love.

How did Jesus Christ our LORD made a seeker of miracles and deliverance become a passionate Lover of God and worker of miracles?


A L. Hephzibah.


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