

Pressure is one of the potent instruments used by the Enemy to make believers take a wrong step, step out of God's Will, operate outside the confines of God' s Word, murmur, complain and out-rightly curse God/ backslide.

One of the greatest hindrances to waiting joyfully is pressure from people close and far and it can come from anyone.

Waiting as used in the context of this writing is patiently anticipating and eagerly expecting  the fulfilment of the promises of God concerning any area of a Christian Life. 

Pressures as used in this context are thoughts, deeds and  activities carried out by persons, situation who surrounds a man going through a difficult time, and challenges that exert unnecessary force on them to make a decision, take a step; they may not naturally have taken, if these pressures have not been applied.

Abel's blood patiently waited until God vindicated his unfair death in the hand of his brother Cain for the Bible says ' Abel's blood cries for revenge' (Genesis 4:10)

Israel waited for 430 instead of 400 years as spoken by God to be delivered from Egypt as God promised to Abraham, their fore- father and God fulfilled His promise.

Hannah waited year after year for children and she gave  birth to Samuel, three sons and two daughters

David, the anointed waited for God to vindicate him and give him the throne promised by God and eventually he became the King.

Ruth waited on God when the chances of her remarriage was bleak and God gave her Boaz.

Israel had to waited for the coming of the Messiah and yet some of them missed Him because of wrong posture.

And Believers are waiting for the second coming of Christ.

Whatever the dimension of waiting a Believer is subjected to pressures from friends in form of words, criticism, judgemental attitudes, gossip and this is  responsible for many believers missing out on God' best for their lives. 

Sincerely, the cause of waiting for the fulfilment of God' s promises is multi- faceted -there is no singular cause for this challenge, but we will attempt to address the causes of waiting but first let address the issue of 'Pressure during the Waiting Period'

Job had a difficult, perplexing situation at hand- the Bible recorded that Job feared God and shun evil, and this alone should qualify him for divine protection from the Evil one and abundant blessings  " Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. 

Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever." (Psalm 112:1-3) 

Yet,  it was this same virtue that attracted Satan's wrath. The devil set out to punish Job for choosing to serve and worship God, instead of bowing in worship to Satan.

Job 1:1-3
 Job was a man who lived in Uz. He was honest inside and out, a man of his word, who was totally devoted to God and hated evil with a passion.  

 One day when the angels came to report to God, Satan, who was the Designated Accuser, came along with them.  
 God said to Satan, "Have you noticed my friend Job? There's no one quite like him  honest and true to his word, totally devoted to God and hating evil." 
Job 1&2

As a baby Christian, living in the Church Mission House of the denomination l attended then, (persecution drive me out of my family apartment and l became a tenant in the Church Mission House),  One certain afternoon, a couple came to visit the resident Pastor for prayers, they had been barren for many years. 

l remember now that l said in my ' THOUGHTS
'this couple have delay in  bearing children because they live in sins for God is too good to be the cause of this delay for He promised in His Word " None shall be barren'

Then, l was young in the faith, but now, I know better and will by His grace not pass that kind of judgement either in my thoughts or verbally.. 

Believers should be careful not to castigate their brethren who have not "arrived" in glory and the manifestations of the blessings of God.
Pressures are good, because they have the tendency to push a man/woman to do and go beyond their natural limits, but prayerful pressures are best. 

A L. Hephzibah


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