

 Believers wait for the fulfillment of God' s promises; for deliverance from difficulty times and  other  challenges experienced in the Christian walk for various reasons. We will attempt to share a few by the grace of God and the first, we will visit is IGNORANCE.
Please kindly share the ones you know too.


This should be the greatest reason for waiting. Believers suffer not because they lack knowledge but because they lack the most important  kind of knowledge- THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. (Hosea 4:6.)

Christians  have vast knowledge in various fields - IT, Commerce, Business, Child-bearing, Christian Religion, Education Etc but God lamented in Hosea 4:6 that yet they don't know truly know Him.

Knowledge of God goes beyond storing Bible passages in the mind and been able to quote them off hand in preaching sprees. True knowledge of God is knowing His attributes and His ways and becoming like Him.

Psalm 103:7 " He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel:"
This is what the Lord says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 9:23

True knowledge about God is one of the major reasons believers suffer unnecessarily in the hands of the Enemy of their soul. God delights in answering our prayers and in answering them right on time. Though God' s sovereignty in divine timing  can come to play in certain situations, but our loving Father in such times will inform us if we care to ask Him.

The Enemy delights in operating in the lives of Christians under disguises because he knows once His activities are exposed, he will be stopped in Jesus name. So he use statements as such:

# You are suffering a delay because God is testing your faith..

# It's not the Will of God for you to have this blessing or that blessing now

# Your mother/sister/brother/colleague etc is a witch and standing in the way of your promotion.

 Although all these scenarios can be the case, believers must always ascertain from the  Holy Spirit for the truth.
Satan's work is always promoted and legalised in the life of any Christian once the devil's lies are embraced and believed: The acceptance of the Enemy's lies is his legal right to work in any place and situation.

The Bible recorded that the Israelites knew the acts of God- the knowledge they had about God is 'manna from heaven, road in the Red Sea, water from the Rock etc. But, once Moses delayed ( in their estimation) in coming down from the Mountain, they replaced the beautiful and awesome thoughts of God in their hearts with Idols who they accredited as been responsible for their deliverance. 

God told their fore- father Abraham that they would be slaves in a foreign land for 400years (Gen. 15:10-14) but they ended up spending 430 years (Numbers 20:14-15)  because they saw no need to cry out to God for help. (Numbers 30:14-15). 

Kindly compare their experience to Daniel who knew by Scriptures that Israel is ordained to spend 70 years in Babylon and then deliverance as promised by God and Daniel began to fast and pray.   (Persons like  Ezra and Nehemiah were stirred up for the rebuilding of Jerusalem).

Prayers to God can change any situation  and God is always willing and ready to listen and act. You have to cry out to Him for though He loves you, He will do what you  are supposed to do for yourself.

 Moses knew God' s character and His ways of doing things.
The greatest gift you can get from God as a believer is not experiencing His power; becoming rich through His power; and even experiencing His manifold wisdom. God delights in men who truly fear Him and know His true character. It is such men who will taste of the power of the coming age and will not turn to crucify Christ twice. May God gives us understanding and help us to truly know Him.

A.L. Hephzibah


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