Witnessing to people who do not believe in Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOUR should be the whole essence of the Christian living.

God saved you by your faith in Christ and you were not raptured immediately; WHY?  
So that you can witness to others about this grace you enjoy. For to live is Christ and to die is gain. We live  so.that you can fulfill the divine mandate of RECONCILIATION OF ALL MEN/WOMEN TO CHRIST.  

 The Holy Spirit tell this beautiful story of THE LOVE OF GOD through your godly lifestyle, good deeds and soul winning. 

A young Israel girl was captured during war between Israel and Aram and she became the slave of the wife  of Naaman (who had leprous);  the Commander of the Aram Army 

 Though Naaman was an important person in Aram but the idols of the land could not heal him of his leprousy so the political King of  Aram send him to the political Leader of Israel ( the king) but the king could not solve his  problem.

Also when there was.famine in the time of Elisah the prophet,  it was the prophet of God and not the political king who brought solutions.

This has always be the plan of the God, that His children; the  LiGHT and SALT of the earth will shine brightly when gross darkness covers the people of the earth.

We shine brighter  in times of gross darkness, when men are saying "it's a cast down, you are saying is a lifting up.

When death comes with his sting and he is busy knocking people's door. It will never knock on your door because Jesus Christ conquered death and hell)

Naaman's slave was a Jew and she knew what the God.of Israel could do through his Children.  
'She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.” 2 Kings 5:3

If a slave girl gives  instructions to her Mistress and this instruction was passed on to Commander and the King, it means the following:

1. She had a relationship with the mistress  and a testimony of good behaviour that made her boss listened to her.

2. She knew Jehovah and believed in His power. The Bible says those.who know their God.shall be strong.and do.exploits.

1. You are the Bible that your neighbour read. They have heard that Jesus Christ can save but they don't know this Jesus Christ you talk about. They know your Jesus by your lifestyle and actions

2. Learn how to walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. The flesh and it's manifestions has been crucified, knowing this truth will set you free. STUDY THE BIBLE ON THIS TOPIC and be free indeed.

2. Trust in God and lean not on your own ability to live right, but  put your hope in God, who richly provides you with everything for your enjoyment. 

4.  Do good always,  be rich in good deeds, and be generous and willing to share with others.

A.L. Hephzibah


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