
I could barely lift my legs up the stairs as l walked wearily with a picture pasted on my mind - I need sleep. I needed it because it was really a very hectic day for me. 

Finally, l fell asleep and then my phone ringing tone " He is a wonder to my soul" hit my ears like an angry rain that refuses to stop pouring down its fierce drops. 

At first, l could not comprehend why my phone was not switched off on a night like this; that l needed sleep badly, then it dawn on me that l was a PA to a Servant of God and one of my job descriptions was "Your phone must be switch on 24/7. With a full frown on my face and my voice still deep from sleep, l picked the call and whispered "Hello".

Then l heard a voice " Pastor, pls pray for me, my sister is about to under go an operation. I turned towards the wall clock and saw 2:15am...
The above account was one of my many experiences as the PA of a Minister of the Gospel. I was saddled with the responsibility of the official phone of the ministry. 

Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets, Apostles, MINISTERS ( those who work in the vineyard of God without any titles) are viewed and seen as supermen and superwomen; which they are Indeed for they do so much sacrificially for others and hardly receive the encouragements and prayers they need. 

 People pay their doctors and lawyers huge fees for an hour consultation and the doctors do less than the Pastors do for the same people. Numerous sick person's are healed instantly by the anointing and grace in the lives of the ministers.

This anointed Ng is freely given by The LORD but the ministers are saddled with the responsibility of giving it safe and pure from all corruption.

We intend to forget that men and women of God, are flesh and blood but anointed by God to be a blessing to God's Children. While members of the Church have careers and businesses and many look forward to pensions and retirements funds, men and women called into full time ministries look up to God for their sustainace and we all know that God does rain manner from heaven but also said " he/she who preaches the gospel should feed from it   

God stipulated that members of a congregation take care of ministers  


Men and women called into the fivefold ministries are representing the God- Head on earth, they are saddled with the responsibility of caring for the members of the Body of Christ in their congregation. 
They pray for them, using their faith actively to believe God for His blessings in their lives, they teach them godly principles that can be applied to everyday life and ensure they lived a blissful life as intended by God. 

There is no man/woman who can survive and success in life without a supernatural force backing them. Some don't bow to hand made idols but as long as they don't believe in Christ as Lord and Saviour and they don't follow His ways, they belong to the kingdom of darkness and it's master.

Christ in me, the hope of glory is the Source of a every believer's succees. And Christ Jesus our Lord has ordained that His Servants take care of His flock on His behalf 

 Some of these ministers work on full time basis. Let us be real, you will need to work on full time basis to give adequate attention to a church of 100-5000. If a woman will prefer to work on full time to care for her household of five persons, it means a man of God will need to work 'FULLER TIme'.

So your Pastor needs the following from you.
1. You must regularly pray for Him and His family- The Bible says that the Anointing follows from Aaron beard to his skirt. Many believers will only go as far as their Pastors have gone in the spiritual realm. And this statement is very true in this Jet age when believers depend solely on the Man of God's anointing and see no need to develop a personal walk and faith in God.

Many people visit the church, (the sick, insane, the possessed, the oppressed, and even the obsessed ) and all these depend on the anointing to be set free. 

 Praise God, for He promised in His Word " I give you power to tread on snakes and scorpions and overcome all the powers of the Enemy and nothing shall be any means hurt you) Luke 20:29

This is what our Pastors go through daily, they face thousands of lions in a bid to deliver church members from all kinds of troubles, bondages etc, if there is any set of people who needs our prayers is the Pastor and his family. 

So this Man /Woman of God who is flesh and blood like any other person but called and anointed by God for His people will have to be sensitive 24/7 to pick up instructions and spiritual signals for about 1- infinite persons depending on the number of his congregation. 

He is always thinking about how the situation in the lives of his members can get better; how they can be happy and achieved their purpose in life. These men are praying, fasting for the good of others.

Such men, the Bible says deserve double honour and a share in our earthly goods. It is false shepherds who are only good in talking and of course officiating naming ceremonies, birthdays, burial and weddings who will advocate that genuine Servants of God does not deserve your respect and honour.
 They are false shepherds and do not have the heart of a true shepherd.


When we talk about seed, it goes beyond money. Words and deeds of kindness are seeds. . One of the greatest distraction any man/woman called into the ministry will ever face is that of finance. Just as some scholars believe that money/finance can rip apart a family:  

Likewise money can be the source of a serious headache for any Servant of God. God is always faithful to meet the needs of His Servants but God does this through believer.

 I worked in full time ministry for some years and at a point had to start a business at some point. I can tell you, my attention was divided when l started that business with full time Church work.

I remember a time when l had a wedding event in another State for the weekend and also had a church program on the same weekend. I was shuttering between two States in one weekend-arriving in the State of the Event as late as 9pm to work over -night and returning to the State of the church program as early as 7am (after traveling for two hours). 

While in the Church program, my attention was divided because my mind was at the event while working in Church to ensure that the program is successful as planned.

Excerpt by God's grace, it is difficult to survive the distractions caused by lack of finance. So if you help your pastor out by contributing your quote to your Chucrh and ensuring you bless him financially regularly, , you have helped your own destiny. 

And do you know is more blessed when you give to Christ Church. 
When you do this faithfully, you enlist yourself on Heaven's list of Kingdom financiers. So it means Heaven has an obligation of ensuring that ALL GRACE ABOUND TO YOU AND HAVING ALL YOU NEED, YOU ABOUND IN EVRY GOOD WORK.

A.L. Hephzibah


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