
The Almighty- Jehovah, Yahweh, the God of our Lord Jesus, the God of all flesh, (sincerely), is a good God. Our Lord Jesus said, No one deserves to be called 'GOOD' excerpt The Almighty. ( I don't know why our Lord Jesus said this and l don't really want to know, l shall receive by faith those things that are revealed by God's Spirit.)

There is nothing we need in the World, that is not in Christ-good health, wealth, riches, power etc. 

The joy is that The God of our Lord Jesus can give Believers exceedly abundantly than the World can give because it is the blessings of God that maketh rich without sorrow and it is Christ that can give more abundant life.

It's not the Enemy that has Life more abundantly, Life more abundantly is in Christ and it is for Christ disciples. So it is not sufficient for Believer to love and serve the God of our Lord Jesus, our seeds must also serve Him forever, we must consciously bring our seeds into a loving relationship with Christ..

Previously, l said in my Eternal.Relevance series;  that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman that were given the opportunity of a free will relationship with Jehovah. They were created by God and then given the free WILL to chose to come  into intimate  relationship with Him. 

They chose to end their fellowship with God by disobeying God and choosing to accept the verdict of God' s fallen servant as the true Instead of the Truth spoken by God , Himself.

But Adam and Eve had something they did right.-obviously, they regretted their actions and successfully introduce the God of all creatures to their seeds (children): Abel and Cain. 

Abel chose to follow the God who loved his father and put his parents in control of the earth; while Cain by his choice chose to follow the fallen nature of his parents.

The greatest achievement of any Christian parents is to successfully impart the love of Christ to their seeds so that the Light of the Gospel keeps  shinning throughout all generations. 

The Enemy of the Gospel desires ONE THING ONLY, they yearn, crave and works towards ONE GOAL- WIPE OUT EVERY TRACE OF THE TRUE GOD AND CHRIST' FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. 

If you have decided to stand for Christ and His WAY, they will try all they can to stop you either through compromise/corruption or outrightly cause you to die before your time. The Enemy killed the godly seed of Adam and Eve  (Abel) by planting jealousy in the heart of the seed that had yielded to the  evil ways of the Enemy.

After the death of Adam and Eve, from Seth to Jared, the Bible did not record anyman, woman, boy, girl who sought the Lord or offer any pleasing sacrifice like Abel did. Everybody lived without the name of the True God featuring in their history.

SETH    (920 years did not do anything remarkable for God)
ENOS (905 years did nothing)
CAINAN (910 years did nothing)
MAHALALED (895 years did nothing)
JARED (962 years did nothing)

For an average of 919.4 years, no man either sought the God of Heaven or did any remarkable feat for Him. Each man lived, had sons, had daughters  and then died. It was as if heaven was silent in the affairs of men (for no man invited the Almighty who made the earth into the affairs of men.)

Abel brought pleasure to God by offering His best sacrifice to God- the Bible says in Hebrews 11 by faith Abel's life was pleasing to God.

 After Abel, it seem love for God went to sleep and everyman did as it pleased them until a lone man break through the cloud of complacency.

He did not just  broke all existing record, he made a new record.. HE WALKED WITH GOD AND WAS NO MORE BECAUSE GOD ENJOYED FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM SO MUCH THAT GOD TOOK HIM.

Enoch searched for the True God that  five ancestors before him did not seek for and  Enoch walked with God. Hallelujah, a man brought God to the Center of Stage on the Earth, he gave his undivided attention, commitment, dedication, devotion to the Almighty.

 Enoch had unbroken fellowship for good, and beautiful 300 years .

It means it is possible to walk with God for 120 years without bowing to sin and the world. It means it is possible to consciously live a life that is pleasing to God by the help of the Holy Spirit. It is possible to honour God, respect Him,  through God: s mercy and grace. 


A.L. Hephzibah



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