
Our LORD Jesus Christ cursed a fig tree in Mark 11 and spoke to it ' May no one ever eat fruit from you again.”
The command of our LORD Jesus Christ to the fig tree was very specific. If no one will ever eat its fruit again, then it means that particular tree will be furitless.forever. Other fig trees in that  environment may grow and bear fruit but the cursed fig tree life span has been controlled by the spoken words of our LORD Jesus Christ.

And the specific spoke command to that tree is " BE FRUITLESS FOR LIFE" The next morning one of the Disciples gave the right heading to the pronounced words of the master; Peter proclaimed

"Peter remembered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!” Mark 11:21." 

The pronouncement of the LORD on the tree was a curse against the life span of the tree. If a very good and experienced farmer had saw the withered fig tree and decided to perform an experiment to restore the tree's fruitlessness.The efforts of the veteran farmer would have been done in futility. The words of a Man of authority has imprisoned the tree for life.

This is how a curse is pronounced against a person; a place, a territory, a city and even a nation; A person of authority speaks negative words against  a place, a person and the words goes to work immediately. You don't need to invite demons and evil spirits to work against you. As long as there are negative words spoken against you by a person or by yourself, the ministry of evil spirits are automatically activated against you.

These curses are like signals in the spirit realm, they attract Satan and his hordes to work against a person and a place. If you bind the demons and cast them out without cancelling or annulling the negative spoken words: the demons will return as long as the spoken words is still in place.

In the Book of Joshua, Joshua spoke words of curses against Jericho. Many years after Joshua''s death nobody could  rebuilt the walls of Jericho according to Joshua's words. 

 A King emerged and attempted to do so after many years. . The words Joshua spoke many years before the King was born were fulfilled exactly as Joshua spoke them. "At that time Joshua pronounced this solemn oath: “Cursed before the LORD is the one who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: “At the cost of his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its gates.” So the LORD was with Hephzibah Abigaul, and her fame spread throughout the land.

In Ahab’s time, Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho. He laid its foundations at the cost of his firstborn son Abiram, and he set up its gates at the cost of his youngest son Segub, in accordance with the word of the LORD spoken by Joshua son of Nun. I kings 16;34, Joshua 6:26-27

The question is: Did the King committed any sin to warrant the fulfillments of the curses? No!. But the king carried out the actuons that activated the curse and the curse was fulfilled in the king's life.

We cannot survive without the leading and help of The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of our LORD Jesus Christ.

Also, In 2 kings  2:24, Elisha demonstrated the power of a man anointed by Yahweh. While our LORD Jesus Christ is The Anointed One, we have men/women of God and believers  who are also.anointed of the LORD. 

Every man/woman who believes in the name of our LORD Jesus is an anointed minister of the Gospel. You don't see the effects of the anointing in your life because you don't believe in your own words and the anointing upon your life.

The words of an anointed Man of God either positive which is called a blessing or negative which is called a curse carries power for its fulfillment One of the cheapest way to get answered prayers is saying 'Amen' to the faith filled and Scriptural based prayers of an anointed Minister of the Gospel.

In 2 Kings 2, forty-two children mocked Elisah, a Servant of God on his balded head. And Elisah did not overlooked that offence rather he call ed a curse on them. And though the offender's were children, a bear responded and honoured the utterances of Elisah and came out of forest and killed the children.

'He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys."

The same thing happened with Apostle Peter in Acts 5:1-10.
The words of Apostle Peter called forth the spirit of death out of its abode into the congregation of Believers  and this spirit took the lives of Ananias and Sapphira.

I advise you; be careful on how you relate with an anointed Man and be careful who you call your father in the LORD. If you call a man/woman of God your father and mother in the LORD; you have authorised them in the spirit realm to speak over your lives either good or bad.

They don't need your consent to speak over your life, your utterance that they are your spiritual parents is your giving them authority over you.
A person who visits an herbalist or false prophets for help has give these people complete control over their lives. Spiritual protocols are real. 

1. The power of death and life is in your tongue; be careful what you speak into your life and the lives of others  especially your children and husband.

2.  Learn never to confess the negative circumstances you see in your life, environment and even the nation. A man is ensnared by his words.
3. Be careful who you make the decisions to submit your life. Spiritual authority is very key to your success in life.
4.  Monitor negative repeated patterns in your life, environment and community. For example, l noticed that where my Business office is located, other business are short down or they barely make any business. I had visited this community before now and they had flourishing business. It means someone had spoken words of failure into that business community for demonic purposes.

You  must be very observant of  repeated negative patterns 

A.L Hephzibah


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