
Happy Sunday, and hope your weekend was lovely. Thank you for the feedback on articles written by me. I pray God will continue to give us insights in His Word.

I am starting a new series titled 'Preparing to Reign in Destiny and Life by studing the lives of three women in the Bible -Rebecca, Ruth and Esther. (Please note that this study is inspired by my spiritual mother who gave the instruction for DOD members in my Church to study the lives of these women. ( Daughters of Destiny fellowship is a singles fellowship, DM to learn more about it)

God's ways are not our ways. He took the Israelites through the wilderness for 40years because He knew they were not strong enough to face the enemy in combat if they took the shorter route of 40 days.

Sometimes, I wonder why some men are great and some others are not great: You see two persons who may be friends, colleagues, siblings who attend the same school, studied the same course, yet one achieve more in his purpose while the other is not doing so well.
These three women came from humble background to earn a name for themselves in God's record of great women.

In another instance, you may see two persons of similar opportunities become great and attain lofty positions in the Society and then one take a step, a turn, a decision and from that point, he begins to roll down the ladder of greatness instead of climbing higher.

This can be a former president, prime minister, chancellor of a nation whom after their tenure, retires and in a matter of time, the society forgets their achievement because after retirement, their impact in the Society went to sleep with them.

While, others after retirement, only submitted the title of political power but they don’t vacate the seat of political power. They become Political consultants for their nations and the world at large. Some become King makers in their country.

Just as it is in the secular, so it is in the spiritual and of course in the Kingdom of God. In the Book of Genesis 1:14-18, God created two great lights- Sun and the Moon. Though the light of the Sun was brighter thatn that of the moon, both light were created great and given light suitable for their purpose. 

The Sun needed more light during the day to perform It purpose of providing light during the day and the moon needed less light.
Genesis 1:14-18

Then God said, "Let great lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them mark off the seasons, days, and years. Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth." And that is what happened. God made two great lights, the sun and the moon—the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set these lights in the sky to light the earth, to govern the day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.

My argument is both Light were created great and good but their specification in design is influenced by their purposes-each was given intensity of lightening based on their purpose.

When God spoke about the two nations in the womb of Rebecca, the wife of Jacob, He said the elder shall serve the younger. (Gen. 25:21-23)
God did not ordained greatness for one and them mediocrity for the other. God never said, one will be great and the other less, rather God only said the elder will serve the younger because God knows all things.

God has called every believer to a definite purpose and has different plans for us but we determine by our actions, decisions, preparation, how great we will become with our callings and purpose.

In the story of the talents, our Lord Jesus gave different talent to different individuals based on their abilities and callings.

The one that was given five and two talents gained more talents based on their abilities, if the one given one talent had used the one talent to gain more, he would have been great in his calling.


A.L. Hephzibah


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