

Giving is categorized as living and is true: No man or animal can successfully live on earth without giving.

 Plants receive light from the Sun in the process of photosynthesis, they in return release oxygen which man needs for survival; carbon dioxide is given out by man and used by plants to produce the food needed by man. 

God ordained mutualism for a purpose; we all depend on each other for living.

Likewise in the Kingdom, Heaven depends on  Sons and Daughters of God to carry out its mandate and purposes on earth and the Children of God on the other hand depend; rely on God’s provisions for sustenance. 

The Bible says that the Streets of Heaven are lined with gold (Revelation 21:21); God does not need your money to exist and live in His Heaven, 

So if the Bible asks you to give, is not because your money would be converted to dollars and pounds and then, transfer to heaven, rather God needs your Bank account as a CHANNEL through which His riches will flow on earth.

It’s like a pipe that carries water from the source to the end user. The amount of water that will flow through the pipe depends on the size of the pipe,  which affects and determines the quantity of water which flows through the pipe per time.

 Though the quantity of water from the Source may be limitless but the quantity received from the Source of water will be greatly hindered by the size of the pipe and the pipe control device. 

God has limitless financial resources, but can only release to us depending on our demand for it.,

I heard a statement from the Holy Spirit sometime ago; He said “if your demand for resources for kingdom project increases through sponsoring more projects (led by me,) my supply of finance into your life will also increase to meet with the increased demand. 

In the parable of the talents, the man with five talent was given five because his vision (demand) requested for five while the man with one talent, his vision only needed one ( this is a figurative use of this story and not a contextual interpretation. 

Does God rain dollar from heaven to believers? I don’t think so, but He can give you ideas that will generate wealth or stir up the heart of people to give you money to sponsor your divine vision.

The Holy Spirit also made a statement to me recently. He said “if you give me a room and ask me to fill with people, I will do so, but if you give me a hall too for same purpose, it is done. You determine, how much of me, you want…..” 

This principle is applicable in our finance. 
When God wants a believer to grow financially, He gives him/her more opportunities to grow in giving to the poor and His kingdom, because as your giving increases, supply from Heaven also increase, this principle is especially true for kingdom related projects. 

The wife of a prophet in the era of Elisah was in debt and  came to the prophet;  she was given a jar of oil and the prophet told her ‘borrow vessels and poured the oil into it, the oil kept flowing, until there  was no more vessels to  fill.

God promised to cause all grace to abound to you, having all you need, you will abound in every good works, the grace is meant for your need, so the degree of grace you would enjoy will depend on your needs…

It means if your need for finance is only your immediate needs and that of your family, the grace that would flow will meet that need;

 if  It is for  your extended family, the amount of grace will meet that need

, but if  it is for a kingdom based community project, the right amount of grace shall flow and that need will be met….. 

God is searching for kingdom financier through whom He can send funds for His kingdom; can he trust you with Kingdom wealth?

Exodus 35:21-23, 2 Cor. 8:1-9

A.L. Hephzibah


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