
There is the day that l descended from the thoughts of the Father of all life and landed on the planet called The Earth. I was introduced as an egg fertilsed by a spermatoza into the womb of a dear woman called  the wife of Mr. Samuel Odogun. 

The Nurse involved in the delivery quickly cleaned up my mother and left the delivery room. My father smiled but his laughter was not deep because he hoped it would be a boy this second time.

 So He unceremoniously gave the name Abigail. He meant the name to be 'Abigirl'  But the Hand of the Everlasting Father intervened and stamped ' the father's joy' on my forehead instead of ' You gave birth to a girl again'

Oh , the love of God 
that will never let me go
Oh, the Father of Love
Who cared for me from the womb
And will care for me till l returned to Him fulfilled in Christ
Isaiah 46:3b-4, Jeremiah 1:5

Then, l heard that the Enemy of the Human soul came to my father and said " I want this second daughter for myself"
I did not k ow about this transaction until some day in out little home, my father drunk with beer and okoro was having a conversation with the LORD Jesus on the bed in the room.
I would not have known about this important event if the Holy Spirit had not move me to leave the chores l was doing outside the room and moved quietly into the bedroom.

My father not knowing l was with him in the room, continued his monologue and l heard him say something like this:

" Jesus told me that l can have life in Him and joy and that Satan cannot give me life" 

my father muttered while l kept my cool seated on a small wooden bench in the room.

I guess, he sensed my presence in the room and said:
" Pastor, you are around" then he concluded his monologue by saying:
Satan is the ruler of this world and he slept off.
My father who told me that " Jesus Christ has nothing to offer me and that he will watch to see what l will get from following Jesus Christ is presently dead. But the grace of Jesus Christ has kept it from all harm.

Jesus Christ kept me even when l was unlovely. A poor girl left to peril in the street of the most boisterous State in Nigeria found love care in the arms of the loving Saviour of the World.

My journey was filled with sorrows and tears until Jesus Christ found me with the Love of the Father

Oh , the love of God 
that will never let me go
Oh, the Father of Love
Who cared for me from the womb
And will care for me till l returned to Him fulfilled in Christ

Then the most glorious, beautiful, breath- taking July 16th came into my life. It's the Day of days, the day when Heaven rolled out the drums of ceoebration.

The Blood of the Lamb of God has brought home a sinner again. A girl destined for prostitution and drugs by Satan has been arrested by the Love of God before The Enemy's agenda unfolded.

Satan was bidding his time to unleash his evil program but God's love outsmarted the Enemy of Abigail's soul and found her before the encroaching darkness overwhelms her sojurn.

It was a invitation by my Technical Drawing secondary School Teacher to attend the Deeper Life Retreat. The Teacher had compassion on the girl whose parents or family had never attended any Parents Teachers Association meeting. The girl who had no text books yet was one of the most brilliant and hard working nh students.

This Saint of God saw that this girl needed the Love of an Heavenly who never fails and invited me to encounter Jesus Christ on this glorious day.

Oh what a wonderful day,
The day, l will never forget
After l wandered in darkness away
Jesus, The  Saviour, l met
Oh what a tender compassionate Friend
He met the needs of my heart
Sdasows dispersing
With Joy, l am telling
All darkness has departed forever
Heaven came down
And glory fill my Soul
When on the Cross
Christ, the Saviour made me whole
My sins were washed away
And darkness turn to day

Thank you Jesus Christ
For you Grace, kindnessess and blessings
Make my heart yours forever

A.L.  Hephzibah


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