
You must know that as long as you are in the human flesh, everyone will never meet up, measure up to your stardard of  behaviour, expectations and thinking.

Even believers who have  experienced the New Birth and has the Nature of our Saviour: Jesus Christ will still not become exactly as you desired;  act according to your expectation, speak the way you envisaged.

WHY?, they may have Christ live in them and live in Christ, but they are not YOU! 

YOU are uniquely and fearfully created, formed, made to reflect all your attributes. Your personality, voice textures, desires, aspirations, style of eating, dressing, talking is all YOU and that makes you DIFFERENT  and  not necessary BETTER than others.

You may be a man or woman who is fast paced and make decisions on the Go. You want tomorrow's tasks done yesterday and want all your 'T' dotted and all your 'I' crossed. That still does not make 'YOU ' the best human being on the earth.

l can tell you this one truth. Unless you allow the nature of Christ in you to take root and manifest freely through you: You will be easily irritated with anybody that manifests any traits that is different from yours.

You will unconsciously view someone who is slowly -paced as lazy, not as bright as you are and often nag at their lack of wisdom  ( complain verbally or in your mind) at their seemly personality that does not rush out to do things without thinking adequately about it.

Please kindly allow me to let you into this secret. In the sight of Jesus Christ our Lord, both personalities are beautiful and our LORD will not change one personality to become the other personality. He needs all personality type for His work on Earth and celebrates difference in individuals.

Instead the fruit of the Holy Spirit will flow through these different  regenerated personalities to the glory of God. 

This is why it was not Apostle Peter who was held up in the Island  of Patmos to receive the Book of Revelation. Peter's personality type may not be able  to sit still and receive all that treasures for generations.. God had to chose Apostle John.

Also Apostle John was not the one chosen to lead the New Church at its infancy state, Peter was chosen with his boisterous and lively personality. For he was known for his out-spoken nature.

God is wise and He knows the best traits we need in our personality. This is why He carefully and wonderfully crafted  YOU  to be you.

1. Please accept and love the personality of all men and women as they are and not put  verbal and influential pressure to make them become like you. Your husband, children, colleagues, subordinates may not be you but they certainly can complement you if you allow them to flourish.

2.  Forgiveness and acceptance is easy when you realise whatever you are today was given by.God and you are not a superior Being. No matter how successful or swayful you have become. REMEMBER WE ALL RECEIVED BECAUSE YOU WERE GIVEN BY GOD.

You are born by a woman and will end up in the grave everyone else.
-Can people change? 
Yes of course

-Can YOU become a better YOU? 
You were made for " one level of glory to a higher level of glory daily'

-Can you help others become better than when you first met them.?
 Of course.God fashioned us for INTER- dependence.

Come down from your superior  pedestal of ' I am.among the few privileged, favourite of God in humanity and help others become their best.

This is the reason Christ Jesus.came  to the earth. He went about doing good and setting free all who was oppressed of the devil because.He was anointed to bring God's LOVE and HELP to others.




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