
Success means different things to different people. I guess the movie " Different Strokes" is shot in the light of this fact.

The definition of "Success" also.differs from one generation to another. There was a generation whereby laudable and heroic actions were the true definition of a successful person. 

Therefore persons of great humanitarian tendency were celebrated in the  Society. The likes of Mother Theresa, Martin Luther  and Gahdi were persons of renowned. Late Ajayi Crowther, Mrs Funmilayo Kuti and Nelson Mandela were known for their notable  contributions to the well being of people in their generation

Then we had the generation whereby Gangster and Crime was celebrated and again, it spread round the world. Presently, riches and wealth get from such source has been legalised and sanitized into mainstream businesses.

Success is relative and its definition differs from person to person.

 In this generation, the definition of " The Successful' is you must have results that culminates to great material possessions. 

If you have money and can provide a legitimate cover for its source, you are applauded as successful.

But as believers in Christ, does the Bible allows us to define 'Success' in terms of money, material possessions and great humanitarian efforts only?.

Let's examine some key Bible passages for an attempt at definitions.

Hebrews 11 is one of the key Scripture of the Kingdom Hallmark of successful people. And the key weapon, they used, the most important key for success was their FAITH in God's Word and His Way.


I will get to  the pinnacle of God's plan for me life by His grace. I hate mediocrity and my heart always bleed wherever l see poverty but l do not support the epidermic of 'get result at all cost' even if you die doing so.

So what you now hear as success in the Kingdom is how many branches a particular denomination  has, how many cars and money in the bank that an individual.possess.

If that is God's definition of who is successful in His Kingdom, then Jesus Christ, His disciples were failures by all standard in their generation

Because in the time of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, we had men who were rich like the rich fool and the rich man called Joseph of Arimathea.

This over emphasise on get results at any cost and in any way has given birth to lots of dangerous lifestyles in the Society and the Church. Yahoo, yahoo is  on the rise, demonic assisted ministry in the pulpit, human manipulations and charismatic witchcraft control in the Church of Christ are some of the "Get result pandemic that has hit the Body of Christ in recent times.

How do we escape this dangerous Rat race.?

Only God can help us!

A.L. Hephzibah
Victory is my name
Exceptional Victory Now, Always and Forever.


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