
Your encounter with God  will determine your level of exploits in the Kingdom. 

The Book of Daniel says -those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits.
 David was just a young boy; a keeper of sheep and goats yet his encounter with The Lord in the wilderness prepared him to defeat an entire army and its general called Goliath. 

The anointing on David   was sufficient to terminate Goliath and his entire followers. This was a feat  Israel's King, Saul and his entire army could not achieve.

Exploits in the Kingdom and varying  degree of anointing is not by title or age. David' s encounter produced an anointing that defeated a whole army and it General.  Yet,  his title and responsibility was just  a shepherd boy and leader over a few sheep.

Therefore, respect all persons especially believers because you don't know who carries the anointing that can break your yokes and give you, your long awaited breakthrough.

Our Lord Jesus could do no miracle in his hometown because they recognised and related to Him as the Carpenter's son .  His title at that period in time  was " the son of Joseph the  Carpenter" but his encounters and anointing was the  Saviour of the world. His mother who recognised his true spiritual worth benefitted from it at the marriage at Cana.

Don't look down on anyone that carries God, for they can either make you or break you.
The statute and appearance of Saul qualified him for the throne but he lacked the encounters to secure the throne for his dynasty.

The encounters of David with God qualified him for the anointing which brought him to the throne; though he made  mistakes, his encounter kept his relation with God his Father intact. 

He secured the throne for his dynasty and his name reigns through all generations.

Please pursue encounters and not titles, pursue intimacy with Christ and not fame.

You may be the most famous preacher in the Universal but be bankrupt in your relationship with God. Those who seek him wholeheartedly and sincerely, find Him. 

Happy New Month

A. L  Hephzibah


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