God speaks to you as His child in different ways. The Book of Job says: 
"in a dream, in a vision of the night."

I woke up some time ago with the song " 'Great is your faithfulness'

And my heart was touched again at how good Jesus Christ has been to me. Sincerely, every grace, favour l ever had and enjoyed  came from Him and men. He used several men and women as sources of blessing to my life. 

You must come to this point as a Believer in Christ, (who is loved by your heavenly Father dearly ) when 'you know that you know that'  everything that occurs in your way will turn out for your good.
Even those engineered to hurt you.

Especially if you are not walking in rebellion to the Word of God and His Spirit. Rebellion is when you know what the Bible says about an Issue and deliberately turned against it and do the opposite.

God is faithful and the Sun will shine today.
God is faithful, the field will produce continually for mankind
God is faithful, l am alive and will daily enjoy all that pertains to life and godliness.

Did l make mistakes in the past?, Yes
Did l took some  wrong decisions?, of course
 But l have learnt that all l have to do is go to my Heavenly Father in genuine repentance as stipulated in 1 John 1:9.
And God, who is infinite in love,  corrects me and then cause all things to work for my good. If it is rebellion to His revealed will, then He chastises me as a daughter.

The Word REPENTANCE is not just for the sinner. It means a change of heart towards any issue. You can repent before your children for not giving them enough attention as a father and mother. And then have a change of heart towards that issue and begin to give ample attention to your family.

The God of our LORD Jesus Christ has been truly faithful to me. I guess the Holy Spirit woke me up with this song to remind me to appreciate God for His faithfulness.

We are all; we are by His grace. Our walk has been made  perfect in Christ,  our righteousness is all from Him. We can't live right and do right and walk right if not for His nature and the help of the Holy Spirit.
I would have been the worst of sinners but for God's grace.

 So l receive more of that grace this morning by singing
" Great is your faithfulness
Oh Lord my Father
All l have ever needed thy hand has provided (through people and l appreciate God  for their lives)
Great is your faithfulness
Lord to me.

A.L. Hephzibah.
Favour is my Name.
I am surrounded with Favour as a Shield in Jesus


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