
We are, who men and women helped us to become. I want to state at this point that God used a lot of men and women to help shapen my my life and destiny.

But the purpose of this writing will only permit me to share some. I am a product of the decisions l made in life. Probably If l am given the opportunity to travel back into my past, l will make different better decisions.

God was indeed faithful to send me the help, l needed at each junction of my life. But l guess the greatest help offered by the God of our Lord Jesus was the mercy He showed me by drawing me to Jesus Christ before sin and the world started their pull.

I am sure, it was the Spirit of Christ in Me that kept me from fatal harm while l dragged Him through the various corridors of a Life  of Sin. 

I marvel at the patience, love and tolerance of the Holy Spirit as l lied, danced and committed fornication yet He continued to dwell inside of me.

I can't imagine the taunt of the enemy at my Loving Father, when l turned my back on Him and went back into my vomit, living a life of sin
And then, on Christmas and New year Eve; l would walked into a Church to lift up sinful hands to an Holy God who loved me too much to turn his back on me completely.

Sincerely, l am only alive today because God kept me, so my life is really His for He paid for it with His blood.

I have prayed that the Holy Spirit will help me present  an accurate account. Sometimes, l am always too ashamed to discuss my past especially in Christian circle because easily persons can  stigmatised you when they hear your story. 

I want to say also that the purpose of this write up is not to present  the writer as an heroine of this account. But my desire is that some young persons will learn how to endure through hardship instead of giving in to vices that they will later regret in the future.

Also, l hope to encourage Christians to help the poor and less privileged around them. We can make our society a better place by "Catching Then Young". Extend a hand of kindness and help to that lad and gal around you. 

You may just be saving the World from the next greatest criminal, armed robber, hired assassins, etc.

A.L. Hephzibah


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