New life unfolds; loud celebration of a new life,
Timbre swing to’ and fro; drum and hands meeting and departing same breath
Everyone is happy, a new destiny emerged. 
Chatting and eating, lips moving, mouth opening and closing
‘ good- wishers and ill-wishers’ with pasted smile; eating as everyone else
Yet expecting, a good  or sad -ending for new born
New Life! New Hope! New dreams, New Sojourner
Final Destination?  unknown or unfolding, 
Travel route? To be discovered
Travelling companion? Under consideration 
New Life! Center of gratify presently
Cuddled by many, smiled at with giggles of ' oh how beautiful
Every attention focus on the tiny bundle
Every thought geared on the wrapped joy in the woman’ hand
Focus of everyone’s thought.
For now his welfare is everyone’s concern, 
Expectations low and high for New Life!
Then and There, New life begins it journey
takes Center-stage, the tussle starts
The child who was the center of everyone’s attention, 
must now make other people desires its life goal
The desires of older siblings if not a first child,
The desires of his peers, parents, relatives, 
Expectations of tribe, religion becomes it life pursuit
The New Life must becomes everything to everyone to please someone.,
Forgetting, he is a New Life
With its own Life Map
A bit confusing for New Life, yet he must keep moving forward
The child is expected to be  happy as he fulfills the expectations of all around him
The child seem happy, shuttle round all these various expectations
Becoming A to A, B to B, C to C, he tries to please everyone
By diving himself into various parts, he gives each tutor a part of him 
So that all his tutors can take a part of Him
Up and down, out and in
He goes on a daily basis, looking for meaning,
Seeking for explanation, searching for truth
Encountering facts, myths, hypotheses and sometimes truth in the way
But never taking a moment to catch his breathe
And ask the question WHY
And ponder ' What about ME'
Sometimes losing himself along the way,
He chooses to move in spite, expectations must be fulfilled
New life move on and his told 'don’t ask questions'
You are a part of a Big system, and of course you are part of the system
And you move wherever the system pushes you
If you are wise and among the discerning few
You become a pioneer in the system,
A pacesetter in the system, modifying the system
You become a policy initiator and maker,
You cave out principles by which others live;
A decision maker in the system, thus shaping the system
And inventing the code of conduct for the system
Few attain this lofty position in the system
These few are those who determine the destinies of others
They are called the Game changer
They leave their names and foot print
In the  sea -shore of  The mortals.

AL Hephzibah


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