

So l finished writing this Book on five characters in the Bible -Rebecca, Esther, Ruth, Joseph and Daniel and l have decided to share the book bit by bit on my page. 

I hope it blesses you. But you will need to buy the hardcopy or soft copy to get the full book.

God predestined, ordained every Believer for greatness in the Kingdom and in the World. 
You are exposed to necessary trainings, skill, knowledge for reigning in every aspect of life by God when you walk with Him.

Sometimes, "Time and Chances" as written in the Book of Ecclesiastes presents itself in form of opportunities to learn.

Boris Johnson became the Prime Minister of UK and within 48 hours , he has his Cabinet in place- strategically chosen and selected to reflect the diversity in British modern society. This is what preparation is all about!

I realise that for any believer to success in life and ministry, preparation is paramount in terms of study, and acquiring necessary experiences

Presently, l am into the Event Business but not operating at my peak because l was not prepared for this role.

 My major challenge is that I treat clients as friends that l needed to help out with their event instead of working for profitability. ( I guess years of working in Church organisation ingrained this wrong business mindset in me, to succeed in this industry, l will need to change my mindset)

Preparation is key for reigning in any endeavour of life- family, business, politics, sports, ministry even friendship that seem simple needs adequate knowledge for its workability.

So by God's grace, we will be going through the lives of these wonderful characters and see how their preparation ensured success in their purpose.


God created Adam with everything needed to fulfill his purpose on the Earth planet. And The LORD deliberately designed and prepared Eve to help Adam in this purpose of been fruitful, multiplying, subduing and exercising dominion over all other creatures. 

She was crafted for success but partnership with the Enemy brought failure to their doorstep.

Rebecca was configured for her purpose as a woman.
 But to qualify to fulfill the role of Isaac’wife; she needed to subject herself to certain preparations and acquire certain virtues that allow her to be the chosen for that purpose.  

God's mercy and favour is the basis for any divine choice but having necessary qualities is a sustaining booster for divine choice.

Mary was a virgin like most Isreal damsels but she was a virgin with a difference. She had inbuilt capacity to take God at His Word even when a priest found it difficult to do the same.

She knew how to believe strongly in the calling of her Son, Jesus Christ to motivate Him to create a miracle even when divine timing was not ripe for such. 

The importance of preparation for divine purpose cannot be overlooked. The plan and purpose of God for each Christian's home is unique and differs just as believers' personalities differ. 

While Sarah was suitable to be Abraham's wife because she had what it takes to handle and deal with her husband mistake with her maid ( Hagar), 

Rebecca on the other hand was adequately prepared by God through a revelation to deal with the crisis that later arose from her twins.

Rebecca was used by God to continue the genealogy of the great patriarch, Abraham who was also a friend of God.

 She was not an ordinary woman because she had an important part to play in the History of the nation of ISRAEL and ultimately History of the Church. 

Every step of the divine plan is carefully and intricately formulated by God and her preparation for this unique assigment was important and key for her selection.


A.L. Hephzibah


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