
 1. Call forth the things you desire to see in your life by speaking forth God's promises concerning that desire, 

How do you make a desire strong?  God promised that the desire of the righteous man shall be granted. So think about what you want in your life, ensure it is what you really want, then search in the bible for promises that guarantees it fulfilment and confess these promises to yourself in line with your desire. 

What I do is to write out the promises in a big note in form of confession and read it to myself often, I keep on confessing them until I can think about them without looking at the book;  at this point, they have become a stronghold in my heart. 

This was how I was delivered from poverty. The bible says God delights in the prosperity of His people. Job says if I obey God, I will lay up gold as dust and God will become my gold, 

The Book ofGenesis says, Abraham was rich in cattle and fed 386 men or about that number in his house. So I read this promises to myself often, until my heart and mind accepted that poverty is a curse. Therefore I began to expect God to bless me.  

You have to keep at it, God's word can never fail. Don't speak the problem rather speak the solution, when you speak the problem constantly, you reinforce it and continue to see it. When you think the negative often, the negative happens, but think the positive and you daily experience the miraculous.. 

A Social Scientist in the Book 'The Secret' stated that your dormant thoughts and words will manifest in your life. The Bible states: As a man thinks, so He is. Your thoughts which transposed as your desires shapes your world. So I say 'trasform your world by your Words. Stop saying Nigeria will never get better. 

The Bible says with God all things are possible and He promised us a Nigeria without crime  and terror in Isaiah 54:13-15. I know bible analysis will say the promise is for the nation of Israel, but - am a spiritual Israel and I believe our God can do it.

 If a few Islam nations can enjoy a country with low crime rate, Then our God can make our country better.  The same breathe and faith you use in saying Nigeria will never get better is the same voice you need to say Nigeria go better. 

Just anchor your faith in a promise in the Bible as the Spirit leads. It may not happen it will happen while l am alive for l know God controls time when it involve diverse people and factor. but I refuse to use my faith and confession for the negativity.  

2. A preacher weaknesses does not invalidate God's Word on His Lips. Truly, Christ said some worship Him with their Lips while their hearts is far from Him but the same Christ said in Matt.7:22 that many use His name to cast out devils, heal the sick, raise the dead and do other miracles, yet they are never His and their deeds are evil. I know spiritual babies cannot reconcile how a man' work will be evil yet he will perform signs and wonders. Sometimes with God, you step out in faith first before understanding. If you want to understand the 'Why's' of God before obeying, you may never make it because just as the just is saved by faith, the just must also live by faith. 

Therefore, God allows workers of inquities to perform wonders in His name. This is my opinion, if God waits till every man is absolutely holy to do His work, few will be saved. I know Bible theologians will say we are made holy automatically, me I can't argue with you, I know in part and share that which I know. 

So receive God's Word in spite of the messenger. I am an advocate of believers exhibiting the fruit of the Holy Spirit, its one of my life goals to be as truly as Christ is, but our generation is filled with preachers and believers who have and exhibits the gifts of the Spirit but do not crave for the fruit of the Spirit. In my opinion, they are not wise and of men most miserable.

 Apostle Paul said if our hope is only in this world, then we are of men most miserable. Pls. receive God's word in spite of the rumour attached to the speaker. 
One of Satan' end time strategy is to make the church a scape goat. We are in the fulfilment of the prophecy that the church shall be exalted and people shall troop to it.
So Satan plants his weed among the wheat, the goats among the sheep. Whenever the goat misbehave, the reputation of the sheep is soiled because they are together. 

 The  conclusion will be- the church is not different from the world and people will see no reason to become a part of the church. But we have overcome because Christ said I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail. More so in every generation, God always reserve a remnant. May you be a part of the remnant in this generation.

Lastly, I said that The Holy Spirit helps you in your every day walk. Sincerely Christianity seem difficult if you don't know how to access the help of the Spirit. You will fall prey to the enemies gimmicks, if the Spirit does not help you.
Relationship with the Spirit does not happen over night. Truly, He is given as a gift from God to the believer but even our natural gift has to be unwrapped to access the treasure within the wrap. Holy Spirit is fire but He is a 'Gentle man' in every sense of it. He will convince you but never force  you. He is the best gift you can have. Do you know Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice via the Spirit. Even Our Father in Heaven, who is of course the Spirit needed Him in Genesis for creation. 

The Bible in Psalm says when God  sent His Spirit, they were created. Another life goal I have is to know Him intimately.
I had had access to money as an unbeliever,  but I can tell you money, wealth, power and fame cannot satisfy as the Spirit does.

He is your calm in a tumultuous storm.
He comforts when you can't let others see your tears or let them know you even cry
He is your puzzle solver in times of perplexity.
He is your compassionate advocate when men write you off and reject you because of your weaknesses
He understands when even you don't understand.
He assures 'it well' when you feel you are missing it or not meeting the mark.

Again, I present to you, THE HOLY SPIRIT
He is our present help in times of need.
Some men go after gold
So after fame
But the wise diligently seek Him whose City is lined and paved with Gold and promised that you will lay up Gold as the sand on the seashore
Wise men run after Him, who gives wealth and blessings without sorrow. 

The Spirit of Christ and Jeeus Christ  is your best pursuit in Life because to pursue Him is to pursue wisdom and wisdom will give you wealth, riches, health and long life.  The beginning, foundation of wisdom is to fear God by living according to His Word. 

I pray God will give you understanding. 
 HAPPY Independence DAY.Pp0


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