
The Soul of a man comprises of the volition (his will), its intellect (his mind) and its affection (desires, passions and feelings).

These are the faculties through which the Life of the Spirit in your inner man flows to your environment.

Our Lord Jesus employed these various faculties during its earthly ministry. There are  instances in the New Testament which noted that when Jesus Christ our Lord met certain persons in pain,  He had compassion  and healed them. 

This is the Holy Spirit using the soul faculty of affection in Jesus Christ to reach out to the needy. 

Just as the Holy Spirit uses the various facilities of the Human Soul for His operations on earth, the Enemy also desires to employ the same faculties for his purpose of stealing, killing and destroying.

 You chose which master will  use your soul faculties for its operation on earth.

You must understand how important you are to the work of the Almighty. After the fall of Adam and Eve and the murder of Abel, God had to wait for generations before Enoch made a choice to walk with God and was no more.

 Figuratively, it means God will always stoop and look down to planet earth for a man or woman who will seek Him, so that He can show Himself strong on your behalf.

Spirit entities need human bodies to function on earth especially the Soul faculties. When the Almighty came as Jesus Christ in the New Testament, He needed the body provided by Mary for His ministry to humanity. 

So our Lord Jesus had the capacity to laugh, be filled with joy, be sad, be angry (with the selling and buying at the Temple.)  Most of these feelings  originated from the Soul, excerpt for Joy which can be a a fruit of the Spirit, all other emotions are products of the Soul 

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ employed the use of His volition to do the Will of the Father. He was faced with a critical choice, it was the essence of His coming to planet earth, but the faculty of His  emotion was making a bid to agree with the cry of His flesh and of course the desire of the Enemy.

The Soul of Jesus Christ was grieved, it was reluctant to go through the pain, shame needed to achieve God's purpose for His life. 

The Holy Spirit through Jesus's inner man was saying " Son, you have to go to the Cross and die for the sin of the whole world'.  Feelings within Christ was saying " Haba Father, if you can, let this cup pass over me".

 The Bible says the sweat of Jesus was as blood and not mere water. The battle was a serious one. The power from within His spirit says " Christ, you can do this, you were ordained from the foundation of the earth"

 The Soul's power of feelings and volition says " This cup is too much for you, don't drink from it"

But because Jesus Christ had trained His Soul to always choose the Will of the Father above His will,  ( He said in John " my food is to do the Will of the Father and finish it). 

Therefore, He agreed with the passionate appeal from the Holy Spirit within His spirit and uttered ' Not my will but thy Will be done." So the Bible noted that Jesus Christ offered Himself through the eternal Spirit.

Let's examine the example of King David. David as a Lad has one of the most impressive CVs in the Bible. Sincerely, l think  very few people had as much access as David had to the Almighty.

 He was a man who received mercy from God. No wonder God says the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. And advocated " I will have mercy on whom l will have mercy.

We appreciate the Almighty for His grace, kindnesses, His justice system and how He allows Himself to be controlled by His Word- ( Once He promise it in His Word, He is obligated to do it)

But God has a card that cannot be touched by either  any man nor the Enemy, it is called His Sovereignty. He is the Sovereign God and has decided to exalt His Seat of Mercy above any other platform.

 Blessed is the man or woman who God decides to show mercy yet such still pursue God's holiness and purity earnestly as if that is the only virtues that qualifies a seeker for God's presence.  

WHY? because such knows that these two virtues pleases the Father.

Many men and women have been shown mercy as a starter and for finisher but such did  not pursue other virtues to remain strong in God's presence and finish strong. 

Back to King David. He was chosen by God because somehow in the busyness on planet earth, David found the key to God's heart even before the smell of a throne came near him. 

God testified to Samuel ' David is a man after God's heart.

David did not start looking for the key to God's heart because he wanted the either the throne or fame. He pursued after God because he knew ' The Almighty is the Best INESTIMABLE Treasure any man/woman can have on the face of the earth.

Sincerely, you don't need to surrender your heart to Christ to have money, fame, wealth even The benevolent Father gave it to all men for free. 

Satan was ready to give wealth, fame, the earth glory  to Jesus Christ if Christ would only worship him. 

David said in Psalms 27:4 " one thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,"

Nothing sweet like the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Nothing kind like the God of our Saviour
Nothing humble like the God of our Lord Jesus Christ
No body wise like the God of our Lord Jesus Christ
Nobody patient like the God of our Lord Jesus
Nobody understands your flaws and yet still love you like the God of our Lord Jesus Christ
This God is too good, too sweet, too compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in love

Jesus demonstrate who God is when He walked for planet earth
Jesus mission was to go about doing good and delivering people from pains and sorrow which Satan bring to their lives
See free unconditional  love with maximum effects
Armed Robber who deserves eternal Hell, enter heaven for last minute
Na our God be that, the God who dey too good sef for humanity.
Tuwale Baba God
I Salute You 
Faithful King of kings who get Limitless Mercy

A L. Hephzibah


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