
The potentials in every Daughter/Son of Zion is inestimable.  Solutions to the world problems are within every Child of God;

 if only we can learn about the Life of the Spirit and the power of the human soul under the tutelage of the spirit.

Secular Scientists and Technologist are inventing great gadgets, equipment; ideas that keep the  planet earth fruitful according to God's commission in Genesis 1. it means the believer can do much more.
God says in the Book of Psalms ‘ye are gods’ and told Moses in Exodus 4:15-16 ‘Aaron will be your mouth for I will put my words into his mouth, you shall be as God unto Him.’

This is the relationship between every regenerated believer and the Almighty. The Bible says ‘Christ in ME, the Hope of glory.

The day you believed in Christ and surrender your heart to God, the Almighty Himself came into your heart and took His abode in your spirit. 

It is not a little ,'god' that came to dwell inside you at the New Birth. It is ‘Yahweh’ Himself that made His abode within you. How Awesome is this Good News?. 

Ephesians  1:11-14,  shows the Holy Spirit is a seal on every Child iof God (showing him or she belongs to God)

The Bible shows that there is no difference between the Holy Spirit and the Almighty as shown  in 1Cor. 2:10.” 

"These are the things God has revealed to us by the Spirit. What we have received is not the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God so that we may understand what God has freely given us."

The Spirit inside the Believer is the Spirit of the Almighty that knows the entire mind of the Almighty and it was the same Spirit that came on Mary and begot Christ Jesus through Mary’s flesh. The Bible stated ‘you have prepared a body for me’.

 The supernatural birth of our Lord Jesus is a prototype of the New birth and buttressed by John1:12 ‘children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will but born of God. (Also read John 3:5-7)

The operation of the Spirit and the spoken Word cannot be over emphasized and  must be understood to enable every believer live a maximized life on earth.

Prophet Ezekiel experienced this dimension of the Spirit and the Word in Ezekiel 2:1. He said ‘when the word was spoken to me, the Spirit entered me. 

God told prophet Jeremiah ‘I have put my words in your mouth. The Bible spoke of my Lord Jesus in the book of Revelation ‘a double edged came out of His mouth’, Isaiah 49:2 says ‘ and He had made my mouth like a sharp sword’. 

John 6:63 says ‘ it is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing, the words that l speak unto you , they are spirit and they are life.

Unless you understand the power of the words you received either through your spirit man or from the Man of God as he preaches, you may not enjoy all that God has for you on earth. 

Read from the Book of Genesis to Revelation, God operates via his Word and The Spirit.  The Book of Psalm says ‘He sent his Spirit and they were created, He withdrew his spirit and they return to dust.

 The Book of Isaiah says God has spoken and his Spirit (other versions reads) his zeal will accomplish it.

The Centurion said  ‘Master you don’t need to come under my roof, just speak the word (my opinion) and I know the Spirit in the word will move to where my servant is and accomplish what you have said. 

And the Bibe noted that immediately Christ spoke the word, that instant the servant was made whole. Psalm 107 say ‘ he sent forth His word and (the word) healed them and delivered them from all their troubles.

You now understand the power of the Word of God that you read and hear either from the pulpit, mass media and from within your spirit man.

 Also, you understand the importance of allowing the Life of the Spirit within your inner man to flow through your soul to your situation.

You must now earnestly work to ensure that your soul and its faculties are in the right state to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

How do you achieve this?
READ: Romans 12:1, Psalms 119:25-28, Psalms 119:9-16 

A.L Hephzibah


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