

It was stated in my previous article that Mary needed more than favour for her selection as the mother of The Saviour. 

The Bible says without faith, it is impossible to please God and l add even please your destiny. The virtues and blessings that your destiny needs to soar is purchased by the ticket of faith.

Greatness is ordained for every believer irrespective of your career. vocation, business and even in ministry . But Faith in God's promises is the bridge to climb to arrive at the THERE of your destiny from your HERE.

We will attempt to use another account in the Bible where the word 'favour' was used to indicate the selection of another man for divine purpose.

Noah was chosen by God in his generation to demonstrate the manifold wisdom of God in the building of the Ark and to demonstrate that man's violations of the ways of God will ultimately be judged.

"even if these three men—Noah, Daniel and Job —were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign Lord. Eze. 14:14

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Noah and the Flood This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. Gen.6:8-9

The Bible warns against adding or removing from the Word of God but God has graciously structured His Word that scriptures can explain another scripture. 

The Bible says Noah find favour with God and we may conclude that he was chosen for his divine assignment because of favour. 

But the next verses says Noah was a blameless man in his generation. This shows his right standing with God and blameless state brought Noah favour with God.

This same word was used for Mary. The angel greeted Mary as a woman who found favour with God. But other events in Mary's life showed it's more than favour.

 In the Book of Luke 1, an angel appeared to a priest called Zechariah with the news that God is doing something new and God has chosen him and his family to be the recipient of the new thing, God wanted to birth on earth. 

Zechariah as a priest is supposed to know the Book of the Law from cover to cover but his reply to the angel stated otherwise.

Zechariah replied the angel “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.”?

Zechariah had access to the history of the deeds of YAHWEH, how Jehovah parted the Red Sea, provided manna from heaven; parted the Jordan, pull down the walls of Jericho without any human efforts or weapons, yet he did not have enough faith to believe that same God can do whatever He promises. 

The unbelief of Zechariah was immediately judged to allow the sovereignity of Yahweh to prevail. Zechariah should have access to record that showed that Abraham had children at old age. like wise Sarah.

Now , here is Mary, a damsel who propbably did not have access to the Book of the Law though obviously she would have heard about the deeds of YAHWEH just as the woman with the issue of blood had heard about Christ carrying God power in his clothing. 

She was a damsel engaged to a man and then an angel came to tell that something that has never happened in Human history will happen to her life and through her .

Yet Mary believed and only asked the angel ’ how will this be’ and after the angel told her the Holy spirit will come on you, her response was ‘ be unto me according to you Word’. 

She was a virgin like any other virgin but she was a virgin that surpass them all. 
So was Mary favoured? Yes, favour separated her from others who had the same qualifications as hers.

 But it was not just favour that qualified her, there was behind the scene preparations and training (like staying with her pregnant cousin, Elizabeth) that the Bible did not plainly stated but we can infer from similar accounts in the Bible. 

David was a shepherd boy who God used his interaction with bears and lions to train him to deal with the Enemy of the nation of Israel.

How do you get faith?

You must deliberàtely shut your ears to news, words, accounts that are contrary to God's Word . Consciously create time to study the Word and pray. Jesus Christ my Lord was a man irrevocably committed to the habits of personal prayers.

Even if you are called to be a prayer warrior, consciously develop a plan and strategy to pray for yourself without ceasing.


A.L. Hephzibah


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