
Sometimes it's beautiful to just allow your thoughts go wild; to meditate and write without any restraint from conventional rules and patterns

To dare dream while awake, wishing that the world will be formed by your thoughts, but deep within, you know that the Universe has its own rules

I dream of a world where every man, woman, boy, girl has a loving relationship with Christ Jesus; ( you can laugh at me but allow me to dream) 

I dream of a Universe in which  every person born of a woman believes in Christ and has the seal of the HOLY SPIRIT. I mean, every ‘walking Soul’ love the one and only true God who is too faithful to fail

Uuuh, I dream of a time when all truth about the Enemy of our Soul is exposed and the whole truth about Christ is plain for all to see.  Where the victory won by The Light is seen with no veils and weapons of Truth used without  opposition from the world of deception.

I see a world in which different tongues and cultures choose to love Christ forever because He has their best interest.

What a peace, what tranquility, what frith, to be birthed and enamoured by the Spirit of Life: 

Fears subsides in His presence, wounded hearts are ornament with His healing love, hope restored, and dignity empowered.

Oh, leave me to dream some more!
Am not imaging a world without its challenges, problems and of course conflicts.

 ‘NO’, ‘NO’, if l see that, then you should know, l have gone beyond the cloud to rest in heavenly bliss
Because as long we are on planet earth, like a prolific writer said and l quote “weaknesses, weaknesses, weaknesses" we will see in our fellow men and this will always cause conflicts.

But am happy still that, l have this treasure in my jar of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not me. 

I dream of a world where many like 'the  religious Saul turned Apostle Paul', 'the murderer Moses turned 
Prophet Moses' , and the  'Rahab'  of this world are saved from the power of sin and death, for Christ love them too and wants them to enjoy His love.

Lord, who will plead their case before you, who will look beyond  their smiles and the mascara and see a heart filled with bitter tears caused by separation from their Saviour and Lord! 

The Spies who met Rahab were not " too spiritual’ to eat with her at her table, they dare not call ‘unclean’ what was cleansed by God through faith in His saving power

Salmon, one of the spies allowed his heart to be intertwined with this converted international prostitute who stationed her brothel on the walls of Jericho. And His action of love brought this ‘forbidden woman’ made acceptable by simple faith into the genealogy of our Lord Jesus

What an awesome God, merciful to the core; for of the four women given the honour of appearing in the genealogy of our Saviour;  three of them ( Tamar, Rahab, Ruth) were women of flaws, weaknesses made acceptable by their faith in  God 

Sometimes, l imagine what my life would have been, if God had not sent a messenger  to me  to rescue me from the claws of Hell. He invited me to  Deeper Life Bible Church Retreat in Ayebo, Lagos. My Technical Drawing Teacher will certainly receive his reward for this action.

Oh what a happy day, day l will never forget, after l wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Saviour l met, Oh what a tender compassionate Friend, He met the needs of my heart

But l went without food and walked with borrowed shoes to school for making this choice. I had to work as a temporary house maid for my English Teacher to have one meal per day 

WHY?  My father of blessed memory could not stand my turning my back on the gods of his father. Uuuuh,  but just some few months  after the most wonder event in my life, I exchanged the Light in my heart for the pleasure and agony of darkness

I did not send the Spirit of Life packing but I took Him through the tunnel of sinful living, denying my Saviour . Yet, He stood by, watching, praying that I come back to the God who truly loves me.

I wish, I could turn back the Hand of Time; I crave for the flight of Time Travel to take me back to those years, I will certainly ensure that those sinful actions never took place but praise God, there is no record of it in God Memory Bank

And I know there are still many like former ‘ME’ wallowing in sorrow and pains, blinded by sinful pleasure, cut off by false religion from Christ loving arms

Please will you take 10 minutes daily to pray for them? Please be the messenger by their side, praying ‘God spare them’ for Christ died for them too and wants them to be saved.

Some will visit your Church today, they may be workers, don’t be deceived, they need this prayers too, for though they attend Church, they are yet to have a change of heart towards Christ.

They may have sorrow but not godly sorrow that brings repentance: A turning away from and turning to; for faith in Christ should bring about a change of heart

Am dreaming of a Church, though we are gathered in denominations but we are not divided by its wall, for we know we are of one Spirit, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all

 We may not dress alike but we are certainly saved by same blood and same Spirit

 Certainly, I dream of The Kingdom of the world becoming the Kingdom of our God and His Christ

But if this is just a Dream, leave me and let me be, for I don’t want to wake up from this dream.

A.L. Hephzibah


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