Obeying God may seem difficult for an amateur who is just practising the art and act of obedience because such amateur was a pro In the act of disobedience as a sinner was controlled by the power of the spirit of disobedience who operate in the world. 

Every sinner is a Pro in disobeying God but the sad thing is some christians after many years of attending Church and speaking in tongues are still Pro in disobeying God' Word and His ways, 

Pro in living after the pattern of the world and amateur in living the kingdom lifestyle.

Whichever is your case, you can become a Pro in kingdom  lifestyle by practising the art and act of storing God' word in your heart and mind;  living according to His revealed will, (the Bible), and allowing His Word to control your decisions and actions. 

Obedience is a ART because it can be learnt. The Bible says Jesus Christ our Lord learnt obedience by what He suffered. 

Its an ACT because it takes practising, it must be voluntarily, an action is needed on your part. 
So get up and start practising the art and act of obedience to God'  Word till you become a PRO saved and sustained by His grace. 

Become so used to obeying the Holy Spirit that disobeying Him seem strange to you. The disciples of my Lord, Jesus Christ lived a lifestyle of obedience unto death and their names are engraved in the Tablet of Eternity. That can be your testimony if you start now.
Have a testimony filled week in Jesus name.
Abigail Hephzibah


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