Presenting your strong argument


I had a case with another believer which introduced fear into my heart because l felt the believer has higher spiritual authority than me. 

The first thing, the Holy Spirit taught me was to ensure there is no offence in my heart against the other party.

After, l have successfully ensured there were no offences in my heart by careful examination; then l did a topical study on what to do when you have a case with a fellow believer. It was only after then, that l presented my strong arguments on why l should be vindicated in this case.

Offences in our hearts will always hinder prayers. Recently, l read a definition given by a young pastor about forgiveness in his Book and it caught my attention.
 He wrote "to forgive someone is to stop feeling displeasure at his acts and actions that has hurt". 

This definition helped me a lot and l had to make a heart adjustment on my definition of forgiveness.  

 It means God is not a respecter of the anointing when it is a matter of right and wrong. Someone said "Right living is a defence" and l realise this is true.

Spiritual.warfare is real and is not just fought on the basis of 'l can pray' and 'l have got zeal.: There are casualties on the pilgrim journey and we must obey the command of our master to WATCH AND PRAY. 

In 1Chronicle 21:1-27, an account is given when King David made a decision that brought a plague to his people. And God's justice went into action.

# Did God anointed King David? Yes of course, God called David, a man after his heart

# Did God chose Israel as his chosen possession on the earth?- Yes, God entered a covenant with Abraham over his seed

We must always remember that the foundation of God' s throne is justice and fairness and He has exalted His Word above all.

You may say " This is NEW TESTAMENT era, we have moved completely from God's judgement to His grace. So no matter what you do as a believer, grace covers you.

Then, l will show you from Romans 6:1 " shall you continue in sin that grace may abound?

In 1 Chronicles 21:17, King David presented his strong arguments why God's anger must turn away from Israel- his chosen nation. And the plague ceased after this action.

Please put on your Cap of imagination- seventy thousand men (70,000) were already killed before King David made his appeal to God.

 It means more would have been killed if King David had not presented his strong arguments.

We need to learn the Act and Art of presenting our strong argument in the place of prayers. 

Daniel used this same method of praying when he prayed for the nation of Israel in Daniel 9 which led to the rebuilding of Jerusalem walls.

Sometimes God will allow some issue in your life to enter extra time to teach you this beautiful acts of enforcing His Will on earth as it is Heaven.

Truly, some nations and places have turned away from Christ by rejecting His message of salvation, flood, epidermic, and fire outbreak is the order of the day.

We must rise to remind God of the Covenant of the Rainbow in Genesis 9:11-14.


A.L. Hephzibah


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