One of my most favourite Bible  sentences is Genesis 6:6b-He was sorry he had made them. It broke his heart.
I came across this bible passage for the first time as a new convert and the phrase it broke his heart jumped at me. 
 Then I realised for the first time that the Almighty has a heart whose feelings can be hurt by my actions. 
Other versions say " And it grieved his heart, 
Just as unrequited love is heart broken to a lover, so our actions can grieve God.  loving a guy who does not  reciprocate yr love  can be hurtful. .You may have a smile pasted on your face for the world but your  heart may be  shedding tears profusely,  Sometimes we view God as the Almighty, so big that nothing can hurt Him. Truly He is bigger than what we can imagine. Truly He does not need us to be God, He is God alone from the first and the last .
But it is certainly humbly to me that my love+struck Jehovah is grieved by some of my actions and thoughts. It is a rare privilege that my actions can hurt him, make him sad.
The passage says, it broke his heart that he has created man.
I must sit quietly and study and examine if any of my action is displeasing to my God who loves me so much. I mist go back to my bible and study all to please him more.
He said of Christ our Saviour, this is my beloved son  and l am wonderfully pleased with him. The Message version says ' This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life. Matt 3:17. Jesus our Lord was a Son like we are sons of God, marked by  God' s love and his heart, actions  and life were pleasing to God. Wow, I love God to testify about me that my life is pleasing to Him, I like Him to brag to his enemy that I give Him great delight.
Immediately God bragged about Jesus, the next chapter Satan came to test him to prove to God that Jesus would fail Him as other men. But Jesus proved God right- he put the enemy of God to flight by his actions and thoughts on the face of seemingly challenge.
Remember that when the enemy comes with his attack; persecution his ultimate goal is to make you take actions that are displeasing to the Father who love you.
Make it a life ambition to live a life that is pleasing to God at all times.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you.
He is ever ready ready to assist you love God more.


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