They applied, signing their death warrant; recruited with an ingrained mindset that death can visit at any time.

It’s not about the money, if so, they should be one of the highest paid professions in the World.

It’s not about having lower academic qualification, because they have some of the best brains within their walls.

For self, they died on the day they were enlisted; they lived as one who is not afraid of death

For comfort: capital 'NO’ is their language, because they are Solders and alien to the comfort of the rich.

Rigourously they train to bring comfort to others, scaling walls, jumping down high mountains, zooming through fires,  they endure hardship to protect their neighbours, and guard their nation. 

While the rich sleeps and the famous snore on their pillows: They walk miles, glide rough dangerous paths, tracking down the enemies of the State yet they are given no plaque of Merit Award!
The Soldier sleeps on grass as bed and the moon as the roof of its house when on a mission; he feeds on worms and leaves when on life saving assignments.

He forgets about wife, children, even the smell of sex endangers his mission and may be a trap and the end of his operation.

He does all these just to keep his nation safe and its people comfortable;

He puts on the cloak of a preacher by going days without food when on a critical job 
He is tortured, tormented when captured by the enemy to reveal the secret of his country and thus endanger its people.

Oh, see loyalty at its lofty height!
 The soldier chooses death and will never reveal the secrets of his nation not even to save his own life.

Selflessness displayed on the mountain top, the Soldier rather bleed to his death than expose the Republic  to the Sword of peril and the blow of the Invaders.

Selfless services to humanity is the Soldier wordless motto.

Keep its citizenry safe at all cost, is the Soldier’s silent vow.

But now the Soldier falls into a deep slumber, a deep sleep!

Hence, the City is ransacked by the wicked  unhindered and challenges by none

Women are raped; homes looted, children brutalised, because the Soldier left its duty post,

The vow of guarding the City is broken: And chaos, confusion, high death toll is the order of the day

The sleeping Soldier walking down the street is no different from the civilian though attired in its official uniform

The sleeping Soldier in the marketplace is just a businessman in a Soldier uniform selling his service to the highest bidder: 
Giving his gun out for hire, for money

Ooh, what a plight! What a ‘sorry case’, what a waste!

A waste of purpose, grace, unction, vision and the impartation of the Holy Spirit:

When Sons and Daughters of Zion go to sleep while a raging war is eating up its people

What a waste when Heaven’s resources are used just for material gain and pillowed for ego booster

What a pitiful scenario when Society and its people are ravaged by darkness and yet the Children of Light stand aloof and unconcerned

Tears on the face of our Saviour when Darkness is unchallenged by the only persons authorised and equipped to challenge it, WHY? 

The Redeemed of Christ   are busy pursuing the temporary at the detriment of the Eternal with its exquisite glory.

Wake up, wake up and cloth thyself with strength, oh Captive daughter of Zion, 

Rise from the dust Jerusalem
For if you don’t rise, who will rise, 
If you don’t shine, who will shine

The Lord is looking up to you to pull the strongholds of the Devil

It’s not by power or by mighty. If God can use anything, He can use you, 

why don’t you rise and shine, Oh sons and daughters of Zion.

Abigail Hephzibah


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