Demonic middle men

Demonic middle men and women are people involved in the sales of the souls The souls of men is their commodity and they have sales agent scattered all over the globe.

I heard that some secular musicians are required to sell their souls to Satan for fame and popularity.

There are Sales men/women in banking hall, shopping mall, political corridor of power, schools- secondary, primary and tertiary; entertainment industry, in the market place and now in the pews and pulpit of some churches.

The institution of demonic middle men and women has been modernised and does not need the visits to demonic evil herbalist ( we have to use demonic evil herbalist because we are in the era of Herbal mixtures and drugs.which may have no ties to the devil in anyway)

Presently, we have established, structured and organised cults in Schools whereby girls and boys are initiated and sex orgies are the ritual for initiation. 

Some political office are offered on the platform of occultic affiliation. 

Now, demonic spirits sought out individuals and introduce themselves directly through what starts initially as demonic assistance but later metamorphosis into full blown demonic possession and initiation.

You must be filled with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to escape becoming a victim. For not all healings, words of prophecy and signs and wonders are done by the Holy Spirit.

A demonic middleman can give you a supposed ' Prophecy' and it will happen exactly as stated if there is not divine intervention to counter it.

Agents of darkness and false prophets also give yearly predictions and prophecies which authorised Satan and his demons to carry out their evil works in the live of an individual, family, territory Nations.

The Saints are agents of Light who must counter the pronouncement of Hell over their families and territories.

Satan can never possess you as long as you believe in Jesus Christ but He can certainly bring your soul and body under his control.

Satan entered Judas Iscariot and used him against Jesus Christ our LORD. Though Judas was a follower of the Christ, obviously his actions showed.that he was not fully persuaded about The Christ's claim.

Men and women make.transactions with the bodies and souls of men in the demonic world.

Revelation 18:11-14
And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: 

The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, 

And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, AND SOULS OF MEN.

Just as business men are enriched by the produces of the Earth, men of the demonic under- world trades in the Soul of men and women.

I visited such demonic middle men twice as a teenage. Any visit or alliance with demonic middle men ensnares your soul to Satan.

A visit to an herbalist, occultic medium, false prophets are visit to a Satannic medium. My late Father of blessed memory was a practising demonic medium.

The altar and intensils of his medium was placed under the bed in our small room. Immediately after l got saved as a young girl with lots of zeal but little knowledge, I took the bag that contained the plate, chalk and some other items that l can't remember and threw them away.

But the sad and pathetic story is that we have some Sorcerers in clergy uniforms presently and any believer who submit to their leadership will eventually be lured and ensnared to the ways of Satan and his soul be trapped.

This is why it is very important that every believer study the Scriptures and know the operations and person of the Holy Spirit. The activities of darkness is so concealed and modernised that it takes only the mercy of God and the discernment of the spirit to escape.

We must teach our Children the Word of God and ensure that the family fellowship altars are maintained .

It is so easy to be deceived because the Bible says " Even Satan is disguised as an agent of Light. I pray the LORD grant us wisdom in this matter.

A.L. Hephzibah


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