
God, our Father ordained a sacred gathering of His beloveds, His redeemed, His Children on the Earth.

They are His portion, the apple of His eyes. He neither sleeps nor slumber because of them. He is ready to give up nations for their sale and rebuke kings to keep them safe.

Therefore their gathering is very very important to Him either the Sunday Service, the Prayer meetings, the Teaching meetings and the Crusades

 The Child dedication service is most sacred to Him. It is sacred and close to His heart because the next generation is been dedicated to the Almighty.

These meetings are important to the Almighty because they gathered in His name and it is a gathering of His beloved.

In these meetings, the Believers share God's word to encourage, edify, build up, heal and even rebuke one another.

In these meetings, we give offerings and pay their tithes which is used to maintain their place of worship:
Our giving is also used help members financially when in need, spread and propagate the Revelations that God has given our particular denominations:  

The finance of the Church is used to carry out the Adamic mandate in their environment which provides employments for their members.

And lastly, it is the principle the Believer must apply to increase in their finance, give to the purpose of God and God gives you more money generating ideas and protect what you have. 

If God did not put in place the principle of sow to get an harvest, an average man is selfish because of the Adamic nature and will see no need to share what he/she has with others.

Sometimes, we organise love feast which boost social relationship among members, show each member they are loved in the family and create a sense of belonging.

Examine it closely, every aspects of our Church Services benefits the believer but the only aspect that is solely for our benefactor, our Father, our Keeper who neither sleeps nor slumber, our helper, our protector is the Praise and Worship session when we offer Sacrifices of thanksgiving to Him.
See what Psalm 50 12-15 has to say

'If l were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it. 

Do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats? 

“Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, 

and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor".

If the only part of my quiet time, Sunday Service that is strictly for the enjoyment of the Most High is the praises l offer to Him, then l must do it with great delight 

I must look forward to the Praise and worship session with preparation of heart and deep concentrate

My thanksgiving offerings must not be a routine, it must be with understanding.

I must look for opportunities during my busy schedule to just utter " kabiyesi, l praise you, l adore you" 

Psalm 27:6B says 

" At his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord"

A.L. Hephzibah


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