
The worship of the Almighty, is not about the temple in Jerusalem or the well of Jacob in Samaria.

It is a heart worship with the Spirit of God within every believer and ultimately a heart connection with The Almighty who made the Heaves.and The Earth.

I remember as a backsliding Christian, l stood at the verandah of the House l stayed and was thinking ' 'who is greater than God. Who created God. If they say God created all things, then who created Him, if we are answerable God, then who is God's Boss.

And l tell you at a point, it seemed l was losing my mind. I wanted to know things about God yet l was living a lifestyle that disconnected me from the Holy Spirit within my inner man. 

I wanted answers from God with a soul under the control of the Enemy while my spirit housed The Holy Spirit.

Iis not enough to pray in tongues and prophecy, your decisions and actions must also be based on The Truth. 

God is seeking for worshippers who are not just born of The Spirit but are also guided by His truths.
No man can know the deep things of God excerpt the Holy Spirit reveals it to such for The Spirit is the custodian of the secrets things of God 

 It is the Spirit that gives life, just the letters of the Word without the Holy Spirit profit nothing. But we must also study the letters of the Word because it is what the breath of The Spirit will bring alive in our times of need.

Any search for God without the Holy Spirit and guided by the Word of God will lead you only to the demonic world of deception. Christ is The Truth and only the man/woman born of the Spirit is of God.

Therefore if we want access to the Almighty, we must walk and work to worship God in Spirit and in truth.

Though you are saved by grace, your actions and decisions must be guided by The Truth which is the Word of God and ultimately Christ. 

In Bible passages in John chapter 14,15,16, the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth.

You cannot worship God at your own conveniences, understanding and stardard. 

The Word and the Spirit will always agree. 1 John 4:6 shows that there is a battle between our dear The Holy Spirit and the spirit of falshood for the Souls of men/women.

There are various ideas, thoughts, ideologies contesting against The Truth, and unless you fortifies yourself with a relationship with The Holy Spirit and The Truth, you may be deceived.

The Enemy of the Human Soul operates by deception and you must be equipped with The Truth provided by The Holy Spirit to successfully escape the spirit of error. 

For example, the spirit of falsehood says 'God accepts your offering  even if you violate Kingdom principles and truth to gather it, 

The Spirit of Truth says Ananais and Sapphira were killed because they brought offering not guided by the truth.

A.L. Hephzibah


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