
God has invested so much in humanity that makes mankind 
‘gods’ in their own planet and a major determinant of the outcomes of their destiny- each man has the ability to change the course of any action.  
You have the potential to sharpen history and carve a customised feat wherever you are located in Nigeria.

Remember, the preaching of Jonah turned the wrath of God away from the nation of Ninevah. The prayers of Elijah turned the nation of Israel back to their God, Yahweh. The prayer and preaching of a Christian can change the course of the nation- Nigeria: Your prayers and preaching  the resurrected Christ  in your neighbourhood can turn many hearts to God.

Start now and just spare thirty (30) minutes of your twelve- four (24) hours in prayers for Nigeria and the peace of its sovereignty, lift up prayers for the Church of Christ and the continual reign of the purpose of the Father in the affairs and Kingdom  of men.

You must know that if every believer prays, intercedes and becomes a mobile ‘loud speaker’ telling every man, woman, boy and girl, met at the parks, schools, shopping malls, hospitals…. about the love of God in Christ Jesus, we will have a World revival instead of a looming 3rd World war which fire is been secretly ignited by the Enemy of Human souls.

The highest casualty of any war is usually the Church of Christ. WHY?

👉🏿They are usually not trained in the use of physical weapons of war,( for the weapon of their warfare is not canal but mighty through God……) 
The Military institution does not consider any attack against the Church as an act of war; onslaught on the Body of Christ is seen as  religious misdemeanours which does not warrant military intervention.  And When regarded as a religious war, the Church in Nigeria either have a ‘chorused Voice’ or weaponry to defend its citizenry.

👉🏿Even trained Christians who have military background and training have had their consciences conditioned against killing even in the case of self- defence because the Bible rightly advocates for love for our neighbours and even our enemies.

👉🏿The Enemy is always waiting for the excuse of a time of war to unleash his fury and bitterness against the Church of Christ. He has the three fold ministry of stealing, killing and destroying and Christians are the main target of his operation.

This is why the Bible admonished every Jews to pray for the peace of the nation of their residence for therein is their peace. Imagine the houses, properties, churches destroyed in the North and other parts of the Country. 

We must not always wait for a time of war before we pray for God’s protection, for the best type of protection the Lord can give his children in  Nigeria is a nation shrouded in serenity and peace. 

There are believers who  pray for God’s healing when sick but there are those who believe God for good health which is a lifestyle free of sickness. The same faith needed to believe God for healing when sick is the same faith used to believe God for a life free of sickness and diseases.

 Its better to believe God for a war free Nigeria than to only remember to fast and pray when gun shots pierce the walls of our homes and our souls.  Christians in Mexico Beach in the US, Haiti and Japan whose lands were destroyed by severe disasters will tell that they suffered as much as non adherents of the Christian Faith.  

We hope for believers who are veterans in the use of spiritual authority’; men and women of faith who can command the Sun to stand still like Joshua did, people of great exploit, who will believe God for the preservation of their houses like Rahab the prostitute did, when whole city was destroyed by God’s judgment; 

Intercessors who will intercede for the preservation of  Lots and his family like Abraham did, men and women of power, who will command fire to consume soldiers  send to arrest their destiny like Elijah did,   men of boldness and discernment who would arrange for angels to blind the eyes of the enemy send to stop their purposes like  Elisah did, 

Those who will curse the eyes of Simon the sorcerer when he stood as a stumbling block to men been saved in the days of Paul, be ready to punish Ananias and Sapphire prevent the spread of evil  when they lied to the Spirit of Truth in the early days of the Church of Christ.

What about the two Witnesses in Revelation 11:1-12 who had the power to shut the skies so that it will not rain during the three years they prophesied and to turn rivers, oceans into blood, and to send every kind of plague on the earth. 

The two Witnesses have the authority and power to shut the skies like Elijah, to turn rivers and oceans into blood and send every kind of plaques on the earth like Moses.

Every Believer can perform the same acts done by these two Witnesses but we see a decline in the demonstration of the powerful acts of God in the Body of Christ and see more of intellectualism and mental assertions  in the preaching of the Gospel. 

But mere mental assertions and delivery of the Word of Life cannot transform the sinful man, it is the Spirit of Life who brings about the changed  hearts, we see in the conversion of souls.

The World will never respect a powerless Church, we can only shine forth as Light when we stay connected to the Fountain of all Kingdom blessings for if we remain, abide in the God of wisdom, we will create a World system based on His wisdom.  



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