
God said in Genesis 1;26 " let's make man in our own image....

It started with Adam and Eve
They were not Middle men ( This is gender inclusive of male and female)
They were His partners, He gave them the Earth as a Gift and ordained them to have dominion and reign just as The God-Head have dominion and reigns forever in Heaven

Adam and Eve were supposed to be an extension of the Almighty
They were created by The WORD OF GOD-JESUS CHRIST ( Gen. 1:3,6,9,11,14, 20,24 26, John 1:1-3, Luke 1:28, 29, Rev. 19:13).

It was a partnership of " Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Therefore when Adam was naming the animals, it was the Breathe of God within him that was inspiring him. It was the Almighty through His Holy Spirit giving names to those animals through Adam.
Although the angels saw Adam but it was The Holy Spirit speaking through Adam in giving specific names to each animal.

"Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.
Gen. 2:19

Because of this partnership with the first man and woman ; the LORD God could confidently , boldly come to the Garden of His Presence ( Eden) on earth in the cool of the evening to commune with Adam. It was supposed to be a mutual relationship and not a relationship borne out of COMPULSION, NECESSITY and TOLERANCE.

It was ordained to be a relationship whereby each party has their own possession but the Higher BEING who has no EQUAL, is INCOMPARABLE is loved and respected and the lesser partner gets all sustainence from The God-Head because God was the SOURCE of all things whether in Heaven or on Earth 

For Psalm 24 rightly says :
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Psalm 24:1

And John the Baptist said ' What have you received that YOU HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN!.

And then the man wrongly thought he needed more than God had offered;
-He thought there is One beyond The Almighty God ( greater and higher) than the God who created him and gave him all things

- He believed the LIE that God is unjust, selfish and not fair.

 Therefore, He broken off his PARTNERSHIP with God through distrust, rebellion, disobedience to God'will and then sin was found in Him. If sin was found in Adam and Eve , it was because they had formed an alliance with another personality unknown to them or their conscience 

This personality was a complete strange to their being and wanted to disrupt their beautiful relationship with God their Creator and Maker.

The Devil could and will never find any WRONG with The God-Head, God The Father, God The Son and God the Holy Spirit, therefore he fabricated a lie and he is still in the same business.

Adam and Eve failed the test that would have made God a part of them Forever. They betrayed their Partner and Creator and took on the nature, ideology and thoughts of the Evil one.

The singular mission of Satan; his only mission in life is to thwart anything that pertains to God and produce pain in the heart of the Almighty. Because after the rebellion of Adam and Eve , all the descendants of Adam and Eve are inclined to do evil because of this alliance with The Enemy.

" The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become.....

'God saw that human evil was out of control. People imagined evil-evil,evil, evil from morning to evening.

The LORD REGRETTED that he had made human beings on the earth, and... The word ' Regretted also means God's heart was ' deeply troubled, His heart was broken; His heart was filled with Pain and a version says his heart was grieved.

God's heart was broken because He made man. This is one of the Bible verses that shows God has a heart and His heart can be grieved and hurt. And this word 'GRIEVED' is used to describe an offence against the Holy Spirit when our LORD said ' do not grieve the Holy Spirit.

When Adam and Eve committed treason in the Garden of Eden- Eden symbolises THE PRESENCE OF GOD. 
They hurt, grieved THE SOURCE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD, The Holy Spirit, therefore He departed from them. So the Bible stated in Gen. 1:3
My Spirit will not remain in human being forever because they are flesh. They will live only 120years.

This is the essence of the New Creature Realities:
Our LORD JESUS CHRIST died and resurrected to CREATE NEW SPECIE of MAN/WOMAN who were begotten again by THE BREATH of God- THE HOLY SPIRIT  

'Then said Mary unto the angel, HOW SHALL THIS BE, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, THE HOLY GHOST SHALL COME UPON THEE, and THE POWER OF THE HIGHEST shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. Luke 1:34-35

And when he had said this, HE BREATHED ON THEM, and SAITH UNTO THEM, RECEIVE YE THE HOLY GHOST: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. John 20:22

Jesus Christ, our LORD came to purchased for GOD, His FATHER, a man and woman who is not just HIS PARTNER but AN INTERGRAL PART OF HIM, sons and daughters begotten by the Holy Ghost.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. John 5;19

This is why Spiritual Middlemen who are unfaithful are dangerous to the Saints.and the Body of Christ at large. 

Because ultimately they stand between God and his people and aim to separate God's people from the control and direct influence of the Holy Ghost. 

They render the death.and resurrection of Christ useless over the Saints and take the Saints back to the era of The Law..


A.L. Hephzibah


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