 I felt led to share the Bible provisions on the ministry of Watchmen and it's impact on their Cities/Territories.  

Sincerely, I don’t think, I have this ministry, ‘am just a Christian used by the Spirit whenever He does desire, hence this article.

In Church history, the scope of divine operations in any generation is greatly enhanced or impeded by the decisions and actions of  the Sons and Daughters of God in that generation.

 The church in any generation is always a reflection of the quality of divine Life of the Believers in that generation and not their population or material possessions. 

Presently, the ministry of Watchmen is urgently needed in the Church and the nation to prevent the unexpected catastrophes that befall us a nation.  

Territories as used in this article does not necessarily connote  geographical locations, they can be professions, places, etc. so your territory may be the Entertainment Industry, yours may be Medical profession, hospitals and doctors, yours may be the Judiciary, laws and lawyers, yours may be among the NURTW and other partisans. I am not so knowledgeable about this but feel free to share your thoughts on this.

We need Watchmen on the walls of Nigeria and the Church of Christ to protect us against the occurrences of unguarded evils that befall  its citizens. 

The Almighty promised in Isaiah 62:6-7 and l quote " I have set watchmen on your upon your walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night, ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence And give him no rest till He establish and till He make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

The Church is the Light of any nation and should determine the state of the nation. . 

When the Çhurch is shrouded in darkness of insensitivity to the Spirit, division, competition, rivalry and ignorance, the darkness in the nation is expanded unhindered.

While the enemy is organised in its operations against the Church of Christ on earth especially the Nigerian Church, the Church in Nigeria is divided along ethnic and denomination walls. The Church in Western Nigeria may not raise adequate  outcry against evil committed against the Church in Northern Nigeria excerpt it affects their denomination in the North and the same with the Church in the North. The word 'adequate' is deliberately used because unless the outcry stops the evil, it's not adequate for that situation.

We must know that Ephesians 4:1-4 is applicable to Believers in Christ for all generations.
Ephesians 4:1-7
 I beg you-I, a prisoner here in jail for serving the Lord-to live and act in a way worthy of those who have been chosen for such wonderful blessings as these.  Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. Try always to be led along together by the Holy Spirit and so be at peace with one another. 

We are  all part of one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future. For us there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and we all have the same God and Father who is over us all and in us all, and living through every part of us. However, Christ has given each of us special abilities-whatever he wants us to have out of his rich storehouse of gifts. 

As a Christian , unless you have this mindset of unity and oneness in Christ inspite of ethnicity and Church  denomination, you will always be bound by denomination walls and will not see the need to carry the burden for your brothers and sister in Christ when they are pained.



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