
It is expected that every gathering in His name must start with Praise and worship session and this is not wrong in itself, if the session is about HIM and for HIM

We must sing Praise and worship songs, for it to be a Christian gathering.

God know it's our routine, He expects it, it is our tradition, so He waits as we dance, sing, jump, sweat but our hearts not connecting to him. At least, they are happy in my presence and once they are full of joy , my job as their Joy - Giver is accomplished.

It is supposed to be for Him but we enjoy it more that He did.
I will enter His gate with Thanksgiving in my heart
But the Thanksgiving should not just be on our Lips but must find its way to our heart as well and connect us to Him. 

Unless it is from the sincere heart, it cannot get to Him for He is a great King and deserves the BEST from us.

God Himself said " This people worship me with their lips but there heart is far from me

Immediately, we leave the Church and The Holy Spirit ask for just a little time in fellowship
" Our response is " Haba, l spent four hours in Church this morning , l need time for myself as if time spend in fellowship with Him is for His benefit.
The Cherubims worship day and Night and sing 
Holy, Holy, Holy 
And as they do, the Awesomeeee of The Almighty got the twenty four elders on their knees in worship proclaiming, " King of all kings", you gave us thrones as you have but know you deserve our worship and adoration.

You must learn to worship God because He is the Almighty and deserves your worship

The Bible says in Hebrew 6 that God allows His rain to fall on the good and the wicked 

See the man who does not believe in Christ Jesus will have money, Children, family, husband etc, so you don't need to worship God for that alone.

Prosperity, good health, etc is your right as a redeemed of the Lord.
Don't worship just to get those things from God, if that only is your reason, then it is not a good motive to worship God. 

Truly, He said ' l have not called the House of Jacob to seek me in vain and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

Worship Him because He is the Almighty and deserves all your adoration.
There is a grace for this kind of mindset
Ask God for it.

Revelation 4 says the twenty four elder bow because He deserves their worship, for He created all things for His pleasure.

No one else can be liken to you
No one else is so faithful
No one else can do as you do
In this sanctuary 

I stand, l bow in awe of you
Holy God to who, all praise is due
I bow in awe of you

Awesome God
How great thy Are
You are God 
Mighty are your miracles
I stand in awe of your Holy name
Lord we bow and worship you

( This song is birthed this morning, DM me if you can fine tune it for mass distribution, thanks.)

Let all the Earth 
Praise God
Let every heart bow before Him
He is God
And there none else like Him
Let all the earth bow for Him

You are God
And there is none like you
You are God
We worship you
There is none like you
God of all the earth
You are God forever more

You are God
Almighty Father
You are God
Nobody be like you
Forever you reign in our heart my King
For you are God forever More 

We bow before you 
We bow before you 
You are God.
And there is none like you
You are God
No one can compare
We bow in worship Lord
We adore you forever more !

A.L. Hephzibah


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