Duke shut the gate to his house and walked into the dark street towards the  Futa South Gate bus stop "l just don't feel like travelling today"  he thought, when he got the bus stop and saw an approaching vehicle  from the route of Road Block, (a suburb in the City of Akure).

He flagged down the vehicle; which stopped some few steps away from him. Hesitantly, he
walked towards it sighing with relief  when he realised it was a taxi.

 "Sunshine motor park," he called out to the driver. 
"Come in", the driver responded.

Duke entered the taxi, surprised to see an elderly man in the driver seat.

 " 5:00am and an old man working, may God deliver us from Nigeria poor economic", Duke mused as he sat beside the driver in the front of the taxi.

 But after alternative negative  thoughts flood his mind, he  sat up straight  and clasped his overnight bag which contains his laptop and other important documents, praying silently for protection.

"" it can happen now!, it can take place today," 
the elderly man said to Duke as he drove in the early morning

" we must be ready, for Christ said, the time or hour no one knows except my Father in heaven." The driver continued with his speech.

Duke turned in his seat towards the elderly man  "Baba, am a christian too, its well"

Then, Duke relaxed and  brought out his iPhone and started reading the Facebook posts on his page. 

The elderly man continued his conversation oblivious to Duke' s cut off retort. "the Holy Spirit woke me up by 3;00am this morning and prompted me to pray and l obeyed as his minister of fire as shown in Psalm 103:20.

""Uuuh Baba"  Duke replied absentmindedly engrossed with his activities on Facebook.

" We must be sensitive and obey God's prompting always, this is the strategy that will ensure we are ready for our master"

Yet Duke gave no response, instead  jumped out of the vehicle immediately it stopped at Cathedral bus stop, (where Sunshine buses travelling the Lagos-Akure route are parked)

The Park was already filled with  passengers for  Lagos, Duke walked to the first Honda bus on the line
and sat at the only available seat in the second row where two young men sat. Duke  occupied the only available  seat,  close to the Honda bus door. 

" Oga, someone is already sitting there ooo, he just went out to get recharge card"  a man addressed Duke from inside the bus.
 " I did not meet anyone here ooo" Duke responded turning towards the door.

Just then, a man stood by the Bus door and said to Duke,
" please that is my seat, sir"

Duke looked up and saw a man in Jeans and Polo shirt
"I met no one here when l entered and I can't get up ooo, I need to meet with an appointment in Lagos.

The man angrily walked away saying " its well, l will enter the next bus," (To be continued)
It could happen anyhow and anywhere. Please be prepared.
Abigail Hephzibah


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